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The Islamic Emirate denied the reports of smuggling explosives from Afghanistan to Mexico

25 Nov 2023 - 14:50

The Islamic Emirate has rejected the report of the American media about the smuggling of explosives from Afghanistan to Mexico.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): The Fox News 29 San Antonio TV channel, by publishing a video from the Texas Department of Public Protection, reported that the bombs left by America in Afghanistan fell into the hands of criminal organizations in Mexico.
Ari Jimenez, a retired special agent of Mexico's internal security investigation, also said that the improvised explosive devices that are now in the possession of Mexican criminal organizations are similar to the bombs that have been seen in the Middle East.
Meanwhile, Enrique Alfaro, the governor of the Jalisco region of Mexico, said that six people were killed and 12 others were injured in seven explosions of improvised explosive devices.
The Islamic Emirate, however, considers this report ridiculous and surprising. The spokesman of the Islamic Emirate says that this report is biased and the work of circles is biased.
Zabihullah Mujahid says: "Afghanistan has neither production of explosives nor reserves of explosives. Also, Afghanistan does not have access to Mexico and it is not easy. So how can this accusation be justified? Unfortunately, some circles are hostile to Afghanistan and make such accusations. We reject it."
Previously, there were reports that the equipment left by the American soldiers after the fall of the Republic was smuggled to Pakistan and Iran. A case that the Islamic Emirate called false and said that it has control over the weapons left over from the former army.
The United States Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction has estimated that after the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, equipment worth about seven billion dollars remained in the country./Ariana News

Story Code: 281037

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