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John Kirby: There is no genocide in Gaza

7 Nov 2023 - 12:56

The coordinator of strategic communications in the National Security Council of the White House claimed that what is happening in Gaza is not genocide.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - International Service: "John Kirby", the coordinator of strategic communications in the National Security Council of the White House, claimed this morning (Tuesday) that what is happening in Gaza is not genocide.
In an interview with Fox News, Kirby said: "We don't support genocide in Gaza, but we don't think it's happening and we don't agree with that description."
Stating that a permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip is not correct, he stated: "But tactical interruptions in the Gaza war should be considered and we want to continue this work."
In addition to supporting the criminal attacks of the Zionist interim regime, this American official said to the Gaza Strip: "Tactical breaks in the Gaza war are a good idea and we hope our Israeli counterparts see it this way."
Kirby then made a humanitarian gesture and added: "There are thousands of dead in Gaza and we ask the Israelis to be careful and vigilant to reduce civilian casualties."
Before this, American Foreign Minister Anthony Blinken, regardless of the martyrdom of nearly 10,000 Palestinians and the injury of more than 23,000 people during the brutal Zionist attacks on the Gaza Strip, has repeatedly emphasized that Tel Aviv has the right to carry out these attacks.
Speaking at a joint news conference with the foreign ministers of Jordan and Egypt on Saturday, he said: The aggressors must be held accountable and we must work to create a lasting peace.

Story Code: 279940

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