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More than 100,000 forced returnees have received services at the crossings so far

6 Nov 2023 - 12:00

The Ministry of Immigrants and Returnees Affairs of the Islamic Emirate has announced that 120,000 forced returnees have benefited from the services of the commission's mandated committees to deal with the situation of forced returnees at Torkham, Islam Qala and Spin Boldak crossings.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: Abdul Mutallab Haqqani, the spokesman of the Ministry of Immigrant Affairs, said that according to the information received from the Torkham crossing, 1,700 families were transferred to different provinces, about 35,000 were registered and biometric and 2,100 families. including 18,200 people have returned to their original places after going through the administrative procedures of their documents.
According to the Bakhtar State News Agency; He also added that SIM cards have been distributed for free to 7,500 families, and 8,240 people have benefited from health services, 150 missing children have been returned to their families, and 53 babies are in camps. temporary birth and health services have been provided to them and their mothers.
In the same way, in Spin Boldak area of Kandahar, the appointed committees started digging a drinking water well and installed 40 mobile toilets. 307 families, which included 2,138 people, have been transferred to different provinces by 61 mediators.
According to Haqqani, the officials of the mentioned committees have held separate meetings with the ambassadors of Turkey and Japan and the officials of 370 aid organizations in order to attract and attract assistance and accelerate aid delivery, and requested more assistance through this organization.
The ambassadors of the mentioned countries as well as the aid organizations assured the continuation of the aid for the returnees in the three border points of the country.
It should be noted that the process of forced deportation of illegal Afghan refugees is going on in Pakistan.

Story Code: 279869

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