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Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar in a meeting with Dr. Hossein Amir Abdollahian;

The Israeli regime's crimes against the Palestinian nation are intolerable/ developing cooperation with Iran is a conscious choice for us

6 Nov 2023 - 11:47

On Sunday, November 5, in a meeting with Dr. Hossein Amirabdollahian, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in Tehran, the Economic Deputy Minister of the Islamic Emirate emphasized, referring to the developments in Palestine, that the crimes of the Israeli regime against the Palestinian Muslim nation are intolerable. At the same time, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar stated about relations with Iran: In addition to the necessity of being a neighbor, developing cooperation with Iran is a conscious choice for us. In response, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran emphasized the country's readiness to strengthen economic, commercial, industrial and new technology relations with Afghanistan, as well as manage the issue of migrants and secure Iran's water rights.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Tehran: Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, Deputy Minister of Economy of the Islamic Emirate, who headed a high-ranking economic delegation, including heads of the Ministries of Industry, Trade and Economy, traveled to Tehran on Saturday, November 4, and on sunday, November 5, he met and talked with Dr. Hossein Amirabdollahian, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, at the Ministry's headquarters.
According to the report of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran, Mullah Baradar also thanked the Islamic Republic of Iran for the warm welcome and hosting and said that in addition to the necessity of being a neighbor, the development of cooperation with Iran is a conscious choice for us, and we want to develop this cooperation in various fields. We are fully prepared, especially economically and commercially, and we will maintain friendly relations with Iran.
He thanked and appreciated Iran's valuable assistance to the victims of the Herat earthquake and considered it as an indication of the generosity of the Iranian government and nation.
The economic deputy of the minister also found the Israeli regime's crimes against the Palestinian Muslim nation intolerable and expressed hope that all Muslim governments and nations will rush to the aid of the Palestinian Muslim brothers and sisters.
Pointing out that Iran has always been with the Afghan nation since the American invasion of Afghanistan, he said that Iran has been generously hosting Afghan immigrants for many years and we are grateful to the Islamic Republic of Iran from the bottom of our hearts.
Referring to the neighborhood of the two countries, Mullah Baradar said that Afghanistan is interested in increasing its foreign trade relations through the transit routes of the Islamic Republic of Iran and making more use of the capacities of Chabahar and Abbas ports for its exports and imports. He also called for the tripartite cooperation of Iran, Afghanistan and India in this field.
In this meeting, Dr. Amir Abdullahian, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran, also pointed out the important position of Afghanistan in the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran and expressed his satisfaction with the departure of the American invaders from the country, who have caused great suffering to the Afghan nation for many years. And the development of Afghanistan, the comfort and well-being of the people, and the stability and security of this country are very important for the Islamic Republic.
He added that the Islamic Republic of Iran is determined to help Afghanistan overcome the current situation in the shadow of neighboring relations.
Referring to the war crimes committed by the Zionist regime against the oppressed Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank under the full support of the United States, the Iranian Foreign Minister said that Afghanistan's positions regarding Palestine and the current developments in Gaza are of interest and the Palestinian people expect Islamic countries to Effectively support them against the war crimes and genocide of the Zionist regime.
He considered the development of economic and commercial cooperation between the two countries of Iran and Afghanistan to be important and important in line with common interests, and considering the responsibility of Vice President Al-Urza in the economic field as well as the economic ministers accompanying him, on the readiness of the Islamic Republic of Iran to strengthen economic relations, Business, industry and new technologies are emphasized.
Dr. Amir Abdollahian, referring to the population of several million Afghan immigrants who came to Iran under the special conditions of Afghanistan, said that the Islamic Republic of Iran has made a lot of efforts to host Afghani brothers and sisters, however, considering the various dimensions of issues, issues and Problems related to immigrants, it is necessary to plan and manage the issue of immigration and issues and problems related to immigrants with joint cooperation.
He also considered the issue of water and securing the rights of the Islamic Republic of Iran to be very important and emphasized that the sensitivity of the water issue and the direct impact it has on the environment, life and livelihood of the people requires that the security of Iran's rights should be given special attention by the caretaker government. be placed in Afghanistan
In this meeting, the Acting Ministers of Industry and Trade, Finance, Transportation and Aviation of the Islamic Emirate also expressed their views on the joint cooperation of the two countries in their respective areas of responsibility and put forward proposals and ideas by mentioning issues and priorities.
Also, due to the presence of the anti-narcotics officials of the two countries in this meeting, the necessity of expanding cooperation between the responsible institutions of the two countries in the anti-narcotics issue was emphasized.
This is despite the fact that on Saturday, 13 Scorpios, following the arrival of Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the Economic Deputy Prime Minister and his delegation of 30 people to Tehran, the first specialized and strategic economic meeting between this delegation and the authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran, hosted by the Minister of Jihad Agriculture This country was held.

Story Code: 279866

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