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Canadian Prime Minister's emphasis on supporting the Zionist regime

5 Nov 2023 - 12:35

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau assured his Zionist counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu during a phone call that he supports the fake regime's right to defend itself.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau assured Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a phone call last night (Saturday) local time that Ottawa recognizes the fake regime's right to defend It "defends itself in accordance with international law".
Arouts Shua newspaper reported in this regard, the Canadian Prime Minister's office in a statement related to the phone call between the Prime Ministers of the Zionist regime and Canada, Trudeau, "Canada's support for Israel and the right to defend itself in accordance with international law in the face of barbaric and cruel attacks." Hamas expressed.
The statement added: "The two leaders agreed on the need for the immediate release of all hostages held in Gaza." The two leaders also discussed ongoing efforts to evacuate foreign nationals from Gaza, and the Canadian Prime Minister thanked Netanyahu for assuring that Canadian citizens in Gaza will be able to leave within the coming days.
The statement also states that Justin Trudeau "stressed the importance of following international humanitarian law and making every effort to protect Palestinian civilians" and also expressed deep concern about the severe humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Canada emphasized the urgent need to provide conditions for sending urgent and necessary humanitarian aid to Gaza.
The Prime Minister of Canada condemned Hamas without mentioning the crimes committed by the Zionists in the past 30 days in killing Palestinians, most of whom were women and children.
In this regard, the statement of the Prime Minister's Office of Canada states: "The two leaders condemned the continuation of terrorist activities by Hamas and discussed the possible risk of escalation of tensions in the region."
According to the report, Trudeau also continued to emphasize Canada's continued support for the two-state solution and "the right of Israelis and Palestinians to live in peace, dignity and security."
The statement continues: "The Prime Minister of Canada, emphasizing that Canada stands against all forms of hatred, said that anti-Semitism has been disturbingly stirred up around the world, including Canada, and that the impact of the October 7 attack (15 May 1402) on The Jewish community of Canada pointed out.
At the end of the statement, it is said: "Prime Minister Trudeau and Prime Minister Netanyahu emphasized the strong relationship between Israel and Canada and agreed to continue and maintain their contacts as developments progress."
Trudeau previously talked to Netanyahu in early October, just one day after the start of the Al-Aqsa storm operation of Hamas against the Zionist positions, and condemned the operation of Hamas and expressed his condolences to Netanyahu for the death of the Zionists.
Trudeau expressed his condolences to Netanyahu and was saddened by the death of the Zionists in a situation where the death of thousands of Palestinian children and women had no effect on him and his western partners, including America and England.
According to reports, Trudeau is also one of the signatories of the joint statement of the leaders of several countries that have recognized the right of self-defense for the Zionists, and in a contradictory act, at the same time, he emphasized the need to protect the lives of civilians.

Story Code: 279808

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