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Iran supports any political solution to immediately stop the genocide in Gaza

28 Oct 2023 - 13:17

Iran's Foreign Minister Amir Abdullahian, in a meeting with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, while reaffirming his support for the oppressed Palestinian people against the crimes of the Zionist regime, strongly condemned the genocide of the Israeli regime.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): Iran's Foreign Minister Hussain Amir Abdollahian, who has traveled to New York to participate in the extraordinary meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on Palestine, spoke with Antonio Guterres about the latest developments in the Middle East and the status of the Gaza Strip.
Amir Abdullahian emphasized: The silence of some countries and America's support against the brutal invasion and genocide of the Israeli regime has encouraged this apartheid regime to intensify its attacks against civilians in Gaza and the West Bank.
He added: The Islamic Republic of Iran has included continuous support for the liberation struggles and resistance of the Palestinian people with the aim of fully realizing their human rights among the basic principles of its foreign policy.
The head of Iran's foreign policy emphasized the need for immediate and decisive action by the international community and the United Nations, especially its Security Council, in fulfilling their duties in the field of supporting the resistance of the Palestinian people.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran emphasized: Iran supports any political solution that leads to the immediate cessation of crimes against humanity and genocide in Gaza, sending continuous humanitarian aid and confronting the forced migration of the people of Gaza.
He stated: The establishment of stable and just peace in the region can only be achieved by the complete removal of the occupation of Palestine, the return of all refugees to their land, the determination of the future system of Palestine based on a referendum with the presence of all its main residents, including Jews, Christians and Muslims, and finally the formation of a government. Independent and united Palestine with Quds Sharif as its capital is possible based on the registered political plan of the Islamic Republic of Iran at the United Nations Secretariat.
Guterres called the humanitarian situation in Gaza catastrophic
In his meeting with Amir Abdullahian, the Secretary General of the United Nations called the humanitarian situation in Gaza catastrophic and emphasized the attention of all parties to immediately stop the war and send humanitarian aid.
Guterres said: We must all work to establish peace and security in the region and the world. The fundamental priority of the United Nations is to send humanitarian aid and establish a ceasefire, and we emphasize a political solution.

Story Code: 279315

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