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Iran, Syria presidents call for unity on Palestinian support

12 Oct 2023 - 15:42

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi called for unity among all Islamic and Arab countries, as well as all free people of the world, to put an end to Israeli atrocities against the innocent people of Palestine.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Monitoring: Raisi made the remarks during a phone conversation with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Wednesday night.
"The Islamic Republic is trying to establish such coordination as soon as possible by contacting the heads of Islamic countries," Raisi emphasized.
He attributed the Palestinian people's frustration to the recurring assaults carried out by the Israeli regime’s forces and settlers against the al-Aqsa Mosque, the daily killing of Palestinian lives, and the extreme policies of Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu's cabinet.
"Today, the Zionists, contrary to all international treaties, have completely besieged Gaza and cut off the supplies of water, electricity, medicine, and fuel to the oppressed people of this region, while the self-styled advocates of human rights are trying to change the place of the oppressor and the oppressed through their double standards, which makes the Zionist regime arrogant and leads to the continuation of the genocide of Palestinians."
Raisi further asserted that no new order will take hold in the region until the rights of the Palestinian people are upheld.
"Today, those who openly aligned themselves with the Zionist regime under the pretext of defending the rights of Palestinians have been disgraced, and it has become evident to the world that the Zionist regime is in its weakest position and situation.
According to Raisi, Israel suffered a significant blow during the Palestinian Hamas resistance movement's Operation Al-Aqsa Storm, which he described as "unprecedented in its 75-year history."
"In recent days, the extreme cabinet of this regime has broken all boundaries of audacity and shamelessness and committed great crimes," he added.
Assad, for his part, expressed his views on the situation, stating, "Today, the most obvious issue before us is that all Arab and Islamic countries should agree on a single and clear position to support the rights of the Palestinian nation and the oppressed people of Gaza.
"We must use all our efforts to speed up the creation of this consensus and a unified position in support of the oppressed people of Palestine because every hour of delay in this regard will cause the Zionist regime to commit more crimes against the oppressed people of Gaza and Palestinians," the Syrian president added. 
Hamas launched the Al-Aqsa Storm Operation in response to the Israeli regime's violations at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East al-Quds. This led to Israeli authorities conducting deadly strikes on the densely populated Gaza Strip, resulting in at least 1,200 casualties.
As part of their response, Israeli authorities ordered a total blockade of Gaza to compensate for the heavy losses suffered during the Al-Aqsa Storm Operation./Tasnim news

Story Code: 278240

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