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Royal court of London to investigate British Army’s Afghanistan killings

10 Oct 2023 - 19:40

Royal Court of London has taken responsibility for investigating extrajudicial killings by the British Army in Afghanistan. International media outlets have reported.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA)_Monitoring, According to the Associated Press, the Royal Court of London has undertaken an independent inquiry into allegations that British Special Forces committed multiple extrajudicial killings in Afghanistan between 2010 and 2013.

According to reports, this independent inquiry has officially begun on Monday.
After the investigations by the Royal Police in 2017 and 2019 regarding the cases of extrajudicial killings by British Special Forces Secret-Intelligence Service (SIS) in Afghanistan yielded no results, the BBC raised the issue again in their Panorama program in 2022. BBC obtained hundreds of pages of information indicating that British Army commanders in Afghanistan were aware of the killings.
Following the broadcast of the BBC report, the British government once again initiated legal investigations into this matter.
In July 2023, The Guardian reported that 80 Afghan civilians were possibly killed during the missions of British special forces in Helmand province.
British forces were stationed in Afghanistan as part of NATO since 2001.

Story Code: 278098

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