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Shakib, UNHCR official discuss plight of Afghan refugees

8 Oct 2023 - 14:41

The chargés d’affaires of Afghanistan’s embassy in Islamabad, Sardar Ahmad Shakib met with Philippa Candler, the new head of UNHCR Pakistan, to urgently exchange views on the situation of Afghan refugees in the country.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA)_Monitoring, The Afghan Embassy in Islamabad said on X, formerly Twitter, that during the meeting Shakib expressed great concern about the increased pressure and hasty expulsion of Afghan migrants from Pakistan.

The embassy quoted Shakib as having said: “He emphasized that there are numerous reports indicating that not only Afghan nationals without residency documents but also valid migration card holders have been detained, subjected to humiliation, harassment, & mistreatment before their release.”
Candler acknowledged the challenges of Afghan refugees following Pakistan government’s decision to expel them and appreciated the Afghan Embassy’s efforts and concerns, the embassy said.
She pledged to address these challenges in the upcoming meeting of the UNHCR’s Executive Committee next week in Geneva.

Story Code: 277911

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