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Pakistani representative: Peace in Afghanistan did not benefit Pakistan

6 Oct 2023 - 14:12

Asif Durrani, Pakistan's special representative for Afghanistan affairs, said in an international seminar in Islamabad today (Thursday, October 5) that the peace created in Afghanistan has not benefited Pakistan.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): - Kabul: He stated: "While the Taliban (Islamic Emirate) has brought peace and security to Afghanistan, the increase in terrorist attacks from the neighboring country threatens the stability of Pakistan."
He said the government of Pakistan is engaged in sustained dialogue with the Islamic Emirate to end the cross-border terrorism organized by the fugitive leaders and militants of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan. Asif Durrani spoke about the significant increase in Pakistani Taliban attacks along the country's borders and stated clearly: "They have taken refuge in Afghanistan."
However, the representative of Pakistan added: "We expect that the peace that they [Islamic Emirate] have brought to their land will also help to establish peace in our border lands, and those people of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan who have taken refuge in Afghanistan or should go to Pakistan be returned or neutralized."
The federal government of Pakistan recently announced the plan to deport Afghan refugees claiming to reduce security risks in the country. According to this plan, which is to be implemented in November of this year, 1.7 million illegal Afghan immigrants will be deported from Pakistan, and any documents except visas and legal visas will be invalid to enter Pakistan.
These decisions of the Pakistani government, which have been taken to put pressure on the Islamic Emirate and contain the Pakistani Taliban, have angered the officials of the caretaker government of Afghanistan. Yesterday, the Minister of Defense and Political Deputy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned Pakistan's action based on expelling Afghan immigrants from this country.

Story Code: 277831

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