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North Korea: America's weapons of mass destruction are the biggest threat

4 Oct 2023 - 11:32

Rejecting the Pentagon's claim against the country, North Korea said that America's weapons of mass destruction are the biggest threat to the world.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): The publication of the strategic document of the US Ministry of Defense and the mention of the North Korean government as a continuous threat to Washington and the world was accompanied by a sharp reaction from the Pyongyang government.
North Korea rejected the Pentagon's claim against the country this morning (Wednesday) and said that America's weapons of mass destruction are the biggest threat to the world.
According to "Yonhap" news agency, Pyongyang's statement said: "The biggest threat from weapons of mass destruction against the world originates from America itself. America has announced its dangerous and aggressive intention to threaten North Korea and seize military domination over the world.
North Korea continued: "Such threats from the US have forced us to use strong deterrence to confront the reckless medium-term and long-term threat of US weapons of mass destruction against North Korea."
Previously, the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un, in an important meeting of the country's parliament, called for an increase in the country's nuclear weapons production with the aim of deterring the United States.
While condemning the strengthening of security cooperation between South Korea, the United States and Japan, Kim said that this tripartite cooperation is the worst real threat that requires the exponential strengthening of North Korea's nuclear arsenal and diversifying its nuclear attack capability.
A few days ago, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Nuclear Energy Industry of North Korea announced that the International Atomic Energy Agency has become the mouthpiece of America.

Story Code: 277685

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