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Biden called for continuous US aid to Ukraine

1 Oct 2023 - 12:19

While the US President's request for a billion dollar budget for Kyiv was rejected in Congress, Joe Biden called for continuous US assistance to Ukraine to fight against Russia.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): "Joe Biden", the President of the United States of America, this morning (Sunday), despite welcoming the short-term agreement between the Republican and Democratic parties on the budget bill, which will keep the federal government open for another 45 days but expressed disappointment at the rejection of his proposal to include billions of dollars in the budget bill to help Ukraine fight Russia.
In a short statement Saturday night local time (Sunday morning Kabul time), shortly after Congress passed the federal budget bill, Biden said: "We cannot under any circumstances allow the support of the United States to go away," Russia Today reported.
Biden had requested an additional $24 billion for Ukraine to ensure an uninterrupted flow of aid to the country, but critics have argued that Washington has higher priorities and should have stronger safeguards against the misuse of aid sent to Kiev.
However, the President of the United States of America blamed "extreme Republicans in the US House of Representatives for creating a fake crisis and demanding drastic budget cuts that will be devastating and deadly for millions of Americans."
Biden continued: "I fully expect the Speaker of the House of Representatives to stick to his commitments to the people of Ukraine and ensure the approval of the support needed to help Ukraine at this critical time."
Kevin McCarthy, the Republican Speaker of the US House of Representatives, had to rely on the Democrats in order to pass the budget bill and prevent the federal government from shutting down, because 90 Republican representatives are against any short-term funding measures, and therefore the votes needed to approve this bill are at hand.
As part of the interim deal, McCarthy increased federal disaster aid by $16 billion but had to ignore funding for border security provisions that Republicans had requested.
After new aid to Ukraine was removed from the final US budget bill, the Democratic leader of the US House of Representatives said in a statement that they expect McCarthy to vote on a separate aid package for Ukraine when he returns to the US House of Representatives for a vote.
On the other hand, "Lloyd Austin", the Secretary of Defense of the United States of America, welcomed the approval of the US budget bill, but asked the Congress to adhere to "the commitments of the United States to provide immediate aid to Kyiv".
In a statement published yesterday, he said: "America must keep its promise and continue to lead."
This morning, the American media reported that with less than 4 hours left until the shutdown of the US government, the lawmakers of the Senate approved this temporary financial assistance plan with 88 votes in favor and 9 votes against.
By claiming that the Russian attack against his country is an act against the whole of Europe, the Zelensky government has received hundreds of billions of dollars in military aid from Western countries. America's aid to Ukraine alone has exceeded one hundred billion dollars, and some of the most advanced NATO equipment has gone to the battlefields with Russia; Leopard tanks and Patriot anti-aircraft systems are among these.
In spite of sending massive equipment from the western countries to Ukraine, many experts evaluate the possibility of this country winning the battle against the Russians as insignificant.

Story Code: 277479

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