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Aid was distributed to more than 8 thousand Waziristan families in Khost

30 Sep 2023 - 16:15

Officials in the Directorate of Migrants and Returnees of Khost Province say that they have distributed food to 8027 displaced families of Waziristan in this province.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: On Saturday, the Ministry of Refugees and Returnees announced on its X social page about food aid for 8070 people in Khost province.
According to the Ministry of Immigrants, these aids have been distributed by the World Food Organization in cooperation with the Directorate of Immigrant Affairs of Khost Province to the families that have been checked in advance.
It has been said that these families lived in Gerbez district and Gilan camp, and four items of food were distributed to each of them.
At the same time, the Ministry of Immigrants has said that 4,134 displaced families in 10 provinces of the country have been provided assistance from 1st to 6th through the second units of this ministry.
According to the officials of the Ministry of Migration, these families lived in Kandahar, Nangarhar, Khost, Paktika, Baghlan, Sarpol, Bamyan, Jawzjan, Parwan and Balkh provinces.
These aids, which have been provided by a number of global aid organizations, include food packages, cash, agricultural packages, winter clothing, health, wool spinning equipment, soap production equipment, and dairy goats.
This is despite the fact that before this, the World Food Organization had expressed concern about the reduction of their aid to the people of Afghanistan.
It should be said that the assistance of national and international organizations is considered vital for the people of Afghanistan in the current situation.

Story Code: 277443

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