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Russia continues its financial aid to Afghanistan

30 Sep 2023 - 14:10

Zamir Kabulov, Russia's special representative for Afghanistan affairs, said that Moscow continues to provide financial aid to Afghanistan.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: Zamir Kabulov, the special representative of the Russian presidency for Afghan affairs, told reporters after the 5th meeting of Moscow's consultations on Afghanistan that Russia intends to continue providing financial aid to Afghanistan.
He said: We will provide financial support to Afghanistan. Although this is not my decision. Such decisions are made by the President and the Government of the Russian Federation.
Kabulov added that Russia will also help Afghanistan through the United Nations World Food Program.
He added: "We do this (provide financial support to Afghanistan) both through the United Nations and directly and independently."
According to him, Afghan immigrants in Russia have collected aid and are ready to deliver it, so these aids are completely different.

Story Code: 277428

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