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3 Day Book Exhibition Held in Kabul

28 Sep 2023 - 1:12

A three-day book exhibition ended on Tuesday at the Kabul Medical University.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA)_Monitoring, According to organizers of the exhibition, the event, which was held on the occasion of the second anniversary of the start of the Islamic Emirate, displayed more than one thousand books.

The exhibition was also aimed at institutionalizing the book-reading tradition in Afghanistan.
The displayed books at the exhibition were brought by 40 different publishers and were welcomed by the visitors and readers.
“The culture of book reading should be increased among the youth, and the organizers ought to hold these exhibitions in the capital and provinces,” said Hedayatullah, the head of the library at Kabul University. 
“We have brought more than 1,000 books and we sold more than 100 books. The books are focused on psychological topics,” said Massihullah, a book seller.
In the meantime, publishers are happy with the sale of their books in the exhibition but call on the Islamic Emirate to make a permanent market for books.
“The book sellers don’t have a central market in Kabul or any other province. The book sellers are staying in various areas in Kabul. When someone wants to purchase a book, they should go through the whole of Kabul,” said Masihullah, a book seller.
The students who had taken part in the exhibition said that organizing such an exhibition was key for institutionalizing the tradition of reading books in the country.
“This exhibition is very beneficial. The people of Afghanistan don't have much familiarity with the books,” said Maiwand, a student.
The three-day exhibition was jointly organized by the Ministry of Information and Culture and Kabul Medical University.

Story Code: 277327

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