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America seeks to plunder the resources of Venezuela and Guyana

26 Sep 2023 - 11:00

Ivan Gil Pinto, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Venezuela, said: The United States government plans to establish a military base in the disputed region of Guyana and Venezuela in order to intensify the conflict between the two countries and loot energy resources.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Venezuela stated at the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly: Currently, the United States of America government is seeking to take over our oil resources by using the connection between the international oil and Gas Company.
According to Iran Press, Pinto stated that unilateral exploitation of a disputed territory is not allowed and emphasized: the government of Guyana is granting unlimited oil concessions in a disputed territory in complete violation of international laws and insists on its illegal behavior.
The senior diplomat of Venezuela pointed out that the Southern Command of the United States Army is looking to establish a military base in the disputed region of Guyana and Venezuela, and noted: The establishment of this military base is done with the aim of consolidating the looting of energy resources, and we strongly condemn this action.

Story Code: 277222

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