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Ministry of Industry and Trade:

The increase in the price of oil in Afghanistan is affected by the world markets

23 Sep 2023 - 17:12

Following the increase in the price of oil and gas in the country's markets, the officials in the Ministry of Industry and Trade say that the price of oil and gas in the world has increased in such a relative way that the markets of Afghanistan have also been affected by it.

Afghani Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: Abdul Salam Akhundzadeh Javad, the spokesman of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, told AVA reporter on Saturday (September 23) that the ministry has full supervision over the market and no one can arbitrarily raise the prices.
Javad added that the rise in the price of oil and gas is due to the increase in the global price of oil, and the country's markets have also been affected by this.
Based on Javad's statements; The Islamic Emirate has provided a lot of facilities for traders and importers of petroleum products, and now they are importing oil needed by the country's market from different countries.
Khairullah Mayel, the vice president of the Chamber of Commerce and Investment, also said that the reason for the rise in the price of petroleum products in the country is due to the increase in prices in the world markets.
Based on Mayel's statements; The increase in global oil prices has caused the price of oil to rise in the country, and this has a direct impact on the Afghan markets.
He asked all traders importing petroleum products to pay serious attention to the prices so that citizens can afford it.
Meanwhile, yesterday Reuters also reported that the price of oil in the world markets increased relatively while not only there is no news about the possibility of extending the agreement between OPEC and non-member countries to reduce oil production, but also about the reduction in the volume of production. There are also reports for member states to deal with the surplus in the market.
According to this report; The price of a barrel of Brent North Sea crude oil (international index) increased by 25 cents (equivalent to 0.5%) to 53 dollars and 86 cents. Also, each barrel of West Texas Intermediate crude oil (the base of the United States) was traded with 26 cents, an increase of 0.6%, 50 dollars and 62 cents, and the price of both important oil indices in recent days and in comparison with the first days of this month It has increased by about 10%.
However, citizens say that the price of one liter of oil has increased to 80 afghanis and one kilo of liquid gas has increased to 60 afghanis and if the Ministry of Commerce does not control the rates, people will face many problems.
They want the government to take measures to prevent price increases by the private sector and to control prices.
Sardar Ali, a resident of Kabul, told Ava reporter that the price of petrol per liter has increased by nearly 20 Afghani in the last month.
He added that the government should take action and not let the traders impose their own price on the goods needed by the people.
Ali Agha Mohammadi, another citizen of the capital, also said that although the value of the dollar has decreased against the Afghani; But the prices, especially oil and gas prices, have increased.
Meanwhile, the owners of a number of oil tanks in Kabul say that the price of petroleum products has increased due to the blocking of the Salang public highway.
The price of petroleum products has increased in the country, while before this the spokesperson of the Ministry of Industry and Trade stated in an interview with Ava reporter that the implementation of the economic policy of the Islamic Emirate as well as the implementation of the oil contract between Afghanistan and Russia has caused despite the increase in quality , the price of oil in the country's markets should decrease by about 42% in the last year.

Story Code: 277079

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