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The Islamic Emirate rejected the UNAMA report on mistreats of prisoners

21 Sep 2023 - 10:48

Following the publication of a report by UNAMA that the Islamic Emirate mistreats the prisoners in the detention centers and prisons of Afghanistan, the spokesman of the Islamic Emirate says that the UNAMA report about the prisoners in Afghanistan is false and propaganda.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesman of the Islamic Emirate, published a statement on his X social page saying that the UNAMA report about prisoners in Afghanistan is false and propaganda.
Mr. Mujahid added that beating and harassment are not allowed in any civil and military administration, including confiscation of Afghan houses and prisons.
He added that the leader of the Islamic Emirate has prohibited beatings and harassment without a court order in all parts of the system, and all departments are obliged to comply with this order.
In the announcement, quoting Mr. Mujahid, it is stated that: "In the prisons of the Islamic Emirate, there are all services for the prisoners, the prisoners are trained, they are given vocational training, they are provided with good facilities and no prisoner lives in suffering and hardship. "
Mr. Mujahid said: It is a pity that thousands of Afghans were imprisoned and deprived of all their human rights under the supervision of UNAMA during the occupation in Bagram, Polcharkhi and other provincial prisons, without any crime or reason, and faced with severe tortures and assignments.
In this regard, he added that "now the situation has changed tremendously and improved, there is no beating and harassment of prisoners and all the facilities are provided to them and they can meet their relatives and propaganda against the Islamic system is a complicated approach and should be stopped."

Story Code: 276981

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