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Israeli air attack on targets in Syria

14 Sep 2023 - 9:57

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights announced that this morning (Thursday, September 14), successive explosions rocked the suburbs of Homs and Tartous cities due to a renewed air attack by the Zionist regime, and the Syrian air defense countered the missiles fired.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): Before that, the Syrian state media reported the death of 2 soldiers and the wounding of 6 others in the Israeli attack on the coastal city of Tartus.
In the Israeli air attack on targets in the coastal city of Tartus, which overlooks the Mediterranean Sea and is located near the hometown of Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian President, two soldiers of the Syrian army were killed and six other soldiers were wounded.
Syrian media did not provide more details about the specific targets bombed by the Israeli regime.
According to reports, the air defense of the Syrian army was able to target and shoot down most of the missiles fired before they hit the ground.
"Sana" news agency, quoting a Syrian military source, wrote that Israel's enemy fired missiles from the Mediterranean Sea and targeted some of our air defense bases in Tartus, which resulted in the death of two soldiers and injuries. Six more people and some material damages were caused.
It should be noted that from time to time the Zionist regime violates the sovereignty of Syria and attacks this country under various pretexts. The United Nations has also not been able to prevent the Israeli regime from airstrikes on Syrian territory.

Story Code: 276599

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