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The government is committed to meritocracy / The electronic test was opened in the Technical and Vocational Education Department

11 Sep 2023 - 9:15

Officials in the Islamic Emirate's affairs department stress meritocracy and say that the government is committed to entrusting the work to its people through transparent processes and holding electronic tests.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: Administrative Reforms and Civil Services Department officially started this process on Sunday (September 10, 2023) by holding an electronic test for more than 180 teaching positions in the educational centers of the Technical and Vocational Education Department.
During the opening of this process; Maulavi Saifuddin Taib, deputy director of supervision and policy for the transparency of electronic exams, assured and said that for the government only meritocracy is based on credit.
Stating that only people with knowledge will get into the positions in question, Taib added that the government is committed to leaving the work to its people by conducting an electronic exam in a transparent manner.
Based on Taib's statements; entrusting the work to the workers leads to progress in society and governance.
Maulavi Gholam Haider Shahamat, head of the Technical and Vocational Education Department, also said in this ceremony that transparency, justice and expertise are very important for professorships.
Shahamat, referring to prophetic hadiths, called the position of teacher and teacher in the society very blessed and important, adding that the role of teacher and teacher in the society is like that of basement, which if it is solid, the society will progress towards progress.
Mohammad Yusuf Ghaznavi, head of administrative reforms and civil service exams, also said in this ceremony that the exam was held today for 186 vacant posts of the Technical and Vocational Education Department and these posts were announced earlier and 1812 people were included in the final list.
Stating that efforts are underway to announce 392 more posts in the near future, he said: "This is our promise, these posts will be announced in 33 provinces of Afghanistan so that people can come and participate safely. In a week and a half, the procedures of these people will be completed and they will also be tested."
Ghaznavi emphasized that by holding electronic exams, administrative corruption will be prevented in the country and qualified people will get to the right positions.
Meanwhile, the test takers are happy that there has been significant transparency in the test compared to the past.
Regarding electronic exams, Nasir Ahmed told Ava that the exam process has become more transparent than before; Because the exams used to be held on paper, but now everything is electronic, and the result is known in a few hours.
It is worth mentioning that 1,818 people competed for 186 teacher posts in the educational centers of the Technical and Vocational Education Department.

Story Code: 276430

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