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Iran's Embassy in Paris; situation 'under control' after attack

10 Sep 2023 - 14:31

Iran's Embassy in Paris said the situation is under control after attack on the diplomatic compound on Saturday.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Monitoring: The announcement was made by a spokesperson for the embassy on Saturday after members of anti-Iranian counterrevolutionary groups attacked the building’s consular section.
They assailants burnt tires in front of the entrance to the building's consular section, inflicting some minor damage on its door.
“The fire was put out after a few minutes following the presence of the police and fire brigade,” said the spokesperson who was not named.
The spokesperson added, “Necessary steps have been taken with the French Foreign Ministry as well as police officials to launch a judicial probe into the incident and identify those behind this criminal act.”
According to the spokesperson, all those who embarked on “the cowardly attack” on Iran's diplomatic building in the French capital will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law./Press TV

Story Code: 276402

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