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The leaders of the coup in Niger ordered the expulsion of the French ambassador

1 Sep 2023 - 12:42

The leaders of the military coup in Niger announced last Thursday, August 31, that they had ordered the country's police to expel the French ambassador.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): Paris had previously ignored the deadline set by the military government of Niger for the departure of the French ambassador from Niamey, the capital of Niger. The French government emphasizes that Niger's coup plotters do not have the necessary legitimacy to make such a decision.
In a letter sent by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Niger to the French authorities, it is stated that, according to Niami, the French ambassador no longer enjoys diplomatic privileges and immunity. The military government of Niger has also spoken about canceling the diplomatic cards and visas of the French ambassador and his family members.
According to Euro News, the 48-hour deadline of the leaders of the military coup in Niger to the French ambassador to leave the territory of the country ended on Sunday night. According to reports, the French ambassador is still in the country's embassy in Niamey.
On Monday, French President Emmanuel Macron, during his speech at the meeting of his country's ambassadors, praised the performance of the French ambassador in Niamey.
The spokesman of the headquarters of the French armed forces has warned that the armed forces of this country are ready to respond to "inciting tension" and "hitting the military and diplomatic bases" of France in Niger. He added that necessary measures have been taken to protect these places.
Paris still recognizes the government of the ousted president of Niger, Mohamed Bazoum, as the legitimate government in the country. On the other hand, the leaders of the coup in Niger have denounced some of the country's military agreements with France.
About 1,500 French soldiers are stationed in Niger within the framework of these agreements.
It should be mentioned that France had colonized Niger for years, and in recent years, based on unilateral agreements, the country's mineral resources, including uranium, were transferred to France.

Story Code: 275951

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