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Fighting spreads to Sudan’s south

19 Aug 2023 - 10:43

Fighting in Sudan between the forces of two rival generals erupted on April 15, killing more than 400 people, igniting a humanitarian catastrophe, and raising fears of a prolonged and unpredictable civil war.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Monitoring: The vast western region has seen some of the worst bloodshed since the conflict erupted on April 15 between the army under General Abdel Fattah Al Burhan and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) commanded by Mohamed Hamdan Daglo.

Battles resumed in the North Darfur state capital of El Fasher, witnesses said, disrupting nearly two months of calm in the densely populated city that has become a shelter from the shelling, looting, rapes and summary executions reported in other parts of Darfur.

“This is the biggest gathering of civilians displaced in Darfur, with 600,000 people in El Fasher,” said Nathaniel Raymond of the Humanitarian Research Lab at the Yale School of Public Health.

One resident said: “As night fell, we heard battles with heavy weapons from the city’s east.”

Witnesses also reported fighting in Al Fulah, the capital of West Kordofan state which borders Darfur.

The conflict had already expanded to North Kordofan state, a commercial and transport hub between Khartoum and parts of southern and western Sudan.

Human rights groups and witnesses who fled Darfur have reported the massacre of civilians and ethnically driven attacks and killings, largely by paramilitary forces and their allied Arab tribal militias.

Many have fled across the western border to neighbouring Chad, while others have sought refuge in other parts of Darfur, where the International Criminal Court is probing alleged war crimes./Dawn news

Story Code: 275094

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