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Armenia complained to the UN Security Council about the worsening humanitarian situation in Nagorno-Karabakh

13 Aug 2023 - 9:47

On Saturday, August 12, Armenia called for an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council, referring to the "deterioration of the humanitarian situation" in Nagorno-Karabakh, a region that has been under siege by Azerbaijan for months.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict has so far led to two wars between the parties, the last of which in the fall of 2020 led to the military defeat of the Armenian forces and significant territorial gains for Azerbaijan.
Lachin Corridor, the only land connection between Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh, was first blocked by people who identified themselves as Azerbaijani environmental activists, and then Baku established a checkpoint at the entrance of this strategic road for security reasons.
According to AFP, since the establishment of this barrier, the Republic of Azerbaijan has blocked traffic in the Lachin Corridor for various reasons.
Mehr Margarian, the Permanent Representative of Armenia to the United Nations, sent a letter to the Security Council while explaining the deterioration of the humanitarian situation in the besieged Armenian region of Karabagh and stated that the residents of the region are suffering from a "serious lack of food, medicine and fuel".
The representative of Armenia in the United Nations also informed about the cut of electricity and gas in this area, which Baku and Yerevan have had a dispute over for decades.
Mr. Margarian further warned: "This situation has led to an increase in deaths caused by several diseases, especially in people with diabetes and cardiovascular diseases."
According to the representative of Armenia at the United Nations, "the population living in the Nagorno-Karabakh region is now on the verge of a real humanitarian disaster."
He accused the Republic of Azerbaijan and said that Baku "deliberately makes living conditions unbearable for the population living in Karabakh".
Mehr Margarian called this action of Baku, which he believes is aimed at driving the residents of Karabagh from their homes, "cruel".
He added: "The Armenian government demands the intervention of the United Nations Security Council as the main body in charge of maintaining global security."
Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan, two countries of the Caucasus region, have been in conflict with each other over Nagorno-Karabakh since the late 1980s.
This conflict has so far led to two wars between the parties, the last of which in the fall of 2020 led to the military defeat of the Armenian forces and significant territorial gains for Azerbaijan.

Story Code: 274726

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