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The coup plotters formed a transitional government in Niger

10 Aug 2023 - 14:32

The military council of Niger, which has taken power through a coup in this country, announced the formation of a transitional government cabinet consisting of 20 ministers.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): In a situation where the heads of the economic community of West African countries "ECOWAS" have gathered today (Thursday) in the capital of Nigeria to consider the possibility of military intervention in Niger, the military council that governs Niger has decided to form a government headed by "Ali El Amin Zain" informed.
According to Al-Arabiya, the order to form the government was signed by Abdul Rahman Tichani, the commander of the coup plotters and the head of Niger's military council. This cabinet consists of 20 military and civilian ministers, and Ali Al-Amin Zain will hold the position of the Minister of Economy and Finance. He previously worked as a representative of the African Development Bank in Jamna, the capital of Chad.
On the afternoon of July 26, Niger's presidential guard staged a coup against the country's president, Mohamed Bazoum, and two days later, the country's national television announced that the head of Niger's presidential guard, Abdurrahman Tichiani, had appointed himself as the new leader. The head of the transitional council has introduced in this country.
In the meantime, the countries of the "Economic Community of West African States" announce the possibility of military intervention for the release of "Mohammed Bazoum". "Antinikar Al-Hassan", the political advisor of "Mohammed Bazum" President of Niger, has also said that any military intervention of the "Equas" group in Nigeria will mean that the whole of Africa is in a state of war.
In the meantime, the military council formed by the coup plotters in Niger has requested help from the Russian military contractor "Wagner" to deal with a possible foreign military intervention.

Story Code: 274619

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