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Kazemi Qomi in an interview with IRNA;

America wants Afghanistan to become a critical region for its neighbors/ regional convergence should be formed with the presence of Afghan rulers!

10 Aug 2023 - 8:53

The special representative of the President of Iran for Afghanistan affairs and the head of the embassy of this country, referring to the continuation of American conspiracies against Afghanistan and its relations with its neighbors, especially the Islamic Republic of Iran, said: In the policy of yesterday's occupiers, the continuation of instability in Afghanistan is important, because this country must become a critical region for its neighbors, while the countries of the region want Afghanistan to move towards stability, peace and constructiveness, and regional integration should be formed with the presence of Afghan rulers. Kazemi Qomi announced the imminent holding of the Doha II summit on Afghanistan.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Tehran: Hassan Kazemi Qomi, who accompanied Iran's Foreign Minister during his recent visit to Pakistan, said in an interview with IRNA reporter that the two countries Iran and Pakistan are effective and influential in the developments in Afghanistan. Every development that takes place in Afghanistan has its effects on the security environment of the two countries of Iran and Pakistan.
He said: Now there are incidents happening in Afghanistan, on the one hand, there is ISIS, and on the other hand, yesterday's occupiers are trying to create mischief in this country under new guises. Even today, the United Nations is somehow expanding it.
The special representative of the President of Iran for Afghanistan affairs, explaining America's hostile actions against the region and Afghanistan, said: Americans failed after 20 years of occupation and were forced to withdraw their military in a planned manner.
He continued: Americans are trying to act in such a way as to hinder Afghanistan's interaction with other countries. For example, the Americans have blacklisted officials from Afghanistan, so interactions between Kabul and other countries are affected by this list. They are managing Afghanistan's foreign relations with this limitation. On the other hand, they put the blocked money of Afghanistan as a tool and lever for pressure or take measures to manage Afghanistan under the cover of the United Nations.
Kazemi Qomi stated: Today, the period of occupation has passed, that's why the Americans have turned to different ways, for example, they are taking actions within the framework of the gesture of human rights and protecting women, the result of which will intensify and put more pressure on the people. Therefore, the Americans try to use Afghanistan as a lever against the countries that they think are rivals and in conflict with the Americans.
He emphasized: America does not want stability to be established in Afghanistan, that the economy, trade and security will flourish, because it feels that if the atmosphere of this country becomes stable, it will lead to the investment of countries like China, with which the Americans are in serious competition.
This prominent Iranian diplomat said: Therefore, in the policy of yesterday's occupiers, the continuation of instability in Afghanistan is important, because this country must become a critical area for its neighbors, while the countries of the region want Afghanistan to move towards stability, peace and constructiveness.
Addressing the government of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, he noted: The rulers in Kabul must pay serious attention and understand the realities of the scene.
Kazemi Qomi addressed the countries of the region and Afghanistan's neighbors and emphasized that they should understand that America is seeking to destabilize Afghanistan by strengthening ISIS in Khorasan and worrying its neighbors by creating military bases in Central Asia under the pretext of terrorism. This design will cope. The atmosphere of the region requires that the countries of the region encourage the rulers of Kabul with cooperation, cooperation and unanimity so that convergence is formed in this region, this is what we are pursuing now and our consultations in Pakistan were within the framework of this issue.
Referring to the holding of the Doha International Summit at the initiative of the United Nations and the imminent holding of the Doha 2 Summit, he said: Consultations between Iran and Pakistan are important in determining what kind of dialogues should be formed with the United Nations to help the stability of Afghanistan. Considering the concerns of the neighboring countries about the strengthening of terrorism in Afghanistan, they can help the construction of Afghanistan and encourage the international community to interact with Afghanistan with regional initiatives.
The head of Iran's embassy in Kabul said: The unanimity of Afghanistan's neighbors and regional countries can encourage the rulers of Kabul to choose the path to build trust. Based on this, there are regular consultations between us and neighboring countries, especially Pakistan.
He emphasized: The visit made by the Minister of Foreign Affairs to Pakistan, where I was present as the President's special representative for Afghanistan affairs, was for the purpose of these consultations.
Regarding the latest situation related to Iran's water rights, Kazemi Qomi also said: In the Helmand issue, the Taliban government has repeatedly said that we adhere to the treaty, this year they also said that the amount of water was not so much that if we released the water, it would reach Iran. However, according to Iran's request to visit the water measurement center according to the treaty, the talks are continuing in this field and a detailed report on the process will be published in the next few days.

Story Code: 274581

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