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More than 500 Afghan refugees have been deported from Pakistan and returned to Afghanistan

2 Aug 2023 - 9:59

The Afghan Refugee Council in Islamabad, Pakistan says that recently 530 Afghan refugees have been deported by the Pakistani authorities and returned to Afghanistan.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): Colonel Abdul Basir Vesal, the head of public relations of this council, said that the period of validity of the legal residence documents of these refugees had expired.
He added: For the past one year, most of the Afghans who have cases to go to America have come to Pakistan to improve their work, some of them have P1 and P2 cases and others have SIV cases, but there is no progress. It has not been done in their work, Afghan refugees have many problems here, most of them are worried.
Mr. Vesal said that due to the slowness of the process in the cases of these Afghan refugees, the validity period of their visas has ended.
Nearly two weeks ago, a number of Afghan refugees in Pakistan held a meeting and asked the United States to pay serious attention to their immigration files.
Ahmed, a holder of KIS P1, told Radio Azadi that he came to Islamabad, Pakistan, at the request of the US State Department nearly one and a half years ago, hoping to go to America, but after 18 months, there is still no news about the fate of his case.
He added: Recently, the deportation of Afghans from various cities of Pakistan to Afghanistan has added to the worries of Afghan refugees in Pakistan.
Meanwhile, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) reported on Monday that from July 1 to July 15 of this year, 4,746 Afghans returned to Afghanistan from Pakistan without documents, of which 12% returned due to the fear of arrest and deportation. Have.
  It is said that hundreds of Afghans in Pakistan were arrested by the police in less than a year and were taken to the central prison of Karachi.
After the fall of the previous government, a number of countries led by the United States expelled nearly 124,000 nationals from Afghanistan in the evacuation process, of which only 90,000 were transferred to the United States.
According to reports, thousands of other Afghans who applied for asylum in the United States and worked with American institutions were told to go to a third country to be transferred to the United States within 12 to 18 months, but now there are Afghans who are more than They have spent 18 months in Pakistan, but their fate is still unknown.

Story Code: 274151

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