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Biden continues to try to mediate Israel-Saudi relations

31 Jul 2023 - 8:41

The New York Times reported that despite the obstacles to the normalization of relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia, the efforts of the Democratic administration of US President Joe Biden continue in this regard.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): In a situation where Joe Biden has spoken about the possibility of an agreement between Saudi Arabia and the Zionist regime to normalize relations, a newspaper close to the American Democrats, referring to the recent trips of Biden's national security advisor to the White House He paid for the agreement between Riyadh and Tel Aviv.
On Saturday (yesterday), the New York Times published a note by "Peter Baker" and "Ronen Bergman" under the title: "Biden continues to try to mediate Israel-Saudi relations."
In the report of this newspaper close to the Democrats in America, it is stated: "The President, Jake Sullivan, sent his national security adviser on the latest diplomatic mission that seeks to establish relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel."
During the election speech to his supporters in the city of "Freeport", the President of the United States claimed without providing further details: "Perhaps the normalization of relations is underway."
Before Biden's statements, the Associated Press reported in a report about Sullivan's recent trip to Saudi Arabia with the aim of persuading Riyadh to normalize relations with Tel Aviv: "So far, the efforts of the White House have not led to any particular success."
The New York Times, however, claims in its report that the possible agreement considered by the Biden administration for the normalization of Saudi Arabia and the Zionist regime requires "significant concessions" to the Palestinians, and it is unlikely that members of Benjamin Netanyahu's extremist cabinet will approve it.
According to this American newspaper, a Zionist official who did not want to be named told the New York Times, "while Riyadh did not necessarily demand "clear Israeli action towards the Palestinians" in the past, King Salman, who generally controls (the affairs of the country) has left it to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, (recently) intervened in discussions about a possible deal to ensure it was included."
According to the authors of the New York Times note, the Zionist regime has come to understand that Saudi Arabia will not be satisfied with Netanyahu's promise not to annex the West Bank and needs "significant actions in the field of action".
Peter Baker and Ronen Bergman believe that such "significant actions in the field of action" are unlikely to be approved by the extremist elements of Netanyahu's cabinet, and applying pressure in this direction could lead to its destruction.
According to them, the leaders of the opposition of the Zionist regime have announced that they will not participate in the coalition cabinet with Netanyahu due to the continuing trial of Netanyahu on charges of financial corruption, "but in the conversations with the Americans, questions were raised as to whether they would (join) if this (to a coalition cabinet with Netanyahu) means establishing diplomatic relations with the Saudis, the leaders may surrender or not.
In the continuation of this report, Riyadh has made some other requests to normalize relations with Tel Aviv, one of which is the US defense agreement with Saudi Arabia, similar to the agreement between NATO members, during which in case of an attack on Saudi Arabia, America is committed to the defense of Saudi Arabia.
The media affiliated with Biden's Democratic Party reported that many congressional legislators and American officials do not agree with Washington's bilateral defense agreement with Riyadh and are very upset and upset about this.
According to the New York Times, the development of a peaceful nuclear program is another of Riyadh's requests from Washington to normalize relations with Tel Aviv, but the United States and the Zionist regime have been against it for a long time.
According to an American media report, White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan has visited Saudi Arabia twice in less than three months, which could be a sign of progress in Washington's talks with Riyadh on normalizing relations with Tel Aviv.
Among the measures required to normalize relations between Riyadh and Tel Aviv, may include the following: an official promise by the Zionist regime that it will never annex the West Bank, a commitment not to create new settlements or expand the boundaries of existing settlements, a commitment to Delegitimizing the checkpoints and illegal checkpoints and handing over some West Bank lands to the Palestinians.

Story Code: 274036

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