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Ukraine attacked a village in Bluebird, Russia with cluster munitions

23 Jul 2023 - 9:07

The head of Russia's Belgorod region announced that Ukrainian armed forces bombarded a village in this region with cluster munitions.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): Just one day after the American newspaper "Washington Post" reported, citing informed Ukrainian sources, that the Ukrainian army has started using American cluster munitions against Russian positions, the head of the "Belgorod" region announced today (Saturday) that Kiev has attacked the village of "Zhorafelka" on the Russian border with these dangerous and prohibited weapons.
AFP reported in this regard, Belgorod President Vyacheslav Gladkov announced today that Ukraine targeted the border village of Jurafelka in the west of the Belgorod region with cluster munitions yesterday (Friday).
On Thursday last week, Ukrainian officials with knowledge of the matter told The Washington Post that Kiev had begun firing US-supplied cluster munitions at Russian forces in southeastern Ukraine in the hope of breaking Russian entrenchments that have slowed Ukraine's summer counteroffensive.
Referring to yesterday's attacks in Ukraine, the President of Belgorod wrote on his Telegram page: "In the Belgorod region, 21 mortar rounds and three cluster munitions were fired from a multiple rocket launcher (by the Ukrainian army) towards the village of Jurafelka."
In his report, the head of Belgorod did not mention the damages and casualties caused by this attack and did not provide further explanations in this regard.
However, on Thursday last week, the American newspaper Washington Post reported that Ukraine's use of these controversial US weapons, which had not been reported before, was made following the recent controversial decision of US President Joe Biden to send banned cluster munitions to Ukraine.
The United States earlier this month approved the shipment of cluster munitions to Kiev, and President Joe Biden called the move a temporary measure to allow military production to keep up with a sharp increase in demand as both Washington and Kiev face shortages of conventional and conventional munitions.
Outlawed in more than 120 countries, cluster bombs explode in mid-air over a target, releasing dozens to hundreds of smaller bombs over an area the size of several football fields. Children are particularly vulnerable because unexploded bombs pose a risk for decades.
"Cluster Bomb Ban Treaty" is an international treaty that prohibits any use, transfer, production and stockpiling of these bombs. This agreement was ratified on May 30, 2008 in Dublin and came into effect on August 2010. America, Russia and Ukraine are among the countries that have not signed this treaty. After being launched, these bombs turn into many smaller bombs that can cause mass killing of civilians. Unexploded bombs also pose a danger for decades.
Last Thursday, it was reported in the news that Ukraine received a cluster bomb from America. General Oleksandr Tarnawski, the commander of the operation of the joint forces "Tauria" in an interview with the American channel "CNN" while announcing this news, added: "The enemy also understands that we will have an advantage by receiving these ammunitions." The enemy will leave that part of the land where it is possible to use this (ammunition).

Story Code: 273647

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