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Maulavi Abdul Kabir in a meeting with Durrani;

We consider the security of Pakistan to be our benefit/we do not allow anyone to use Afghanistan's soil against Pakistan

21 Jul 2023 - 20:26

The political deputy of the prime minister, in a meeting with Pakistan's special representative for Afghanistan affairs, stated that we consider Pakistan's security to be our benefit and Pakistan's insecurity to be our loss, and emphasized: As a Muslim neighbor, we do not want war and insecurity in Pakistan, so we will not allow anyone to use our soil against Pakistan.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: The political deputy of the Prime Minister met and talked with Asif Durrani, Pakistan's special representative for Afghanistan affairs, on the third day of his visit to Kabul.
The Citadel of the Islamic Emirate has expressed this news in several tweets and wrote: In this meeting, which was attended by Abdul Rahman Nizamani, the Chargé d'Affaires of the Pakistan Embassy in Kabul, Maulavi Abdul Kabir while welcoming Durrani noted that the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan wants to strengthen political, economic and cultural relations with Pakistan and believes that Pakistan and Afghanistan can benefit more than others in mutual trade.
He added that we want Pakistan to give visas and other facilities to Afghan businessmen to increase bilateral trade.
Maulavi Abdul Kabir said: Many countrymen spend their days and nights as immigrants in Pakistan and we thank Pakistan for hosting us, but sometimes we hear painful news about this and we ask Pakistan to treat them well. Also, those Afghan immigrants who are currently in Pakistani prisons should be released as soon as possible.
Prime minister's political deputy added that Afghanistan does not interfere in the internal affairs of any country, including Pakistan, and we do not allow anyone to use Afghanistan's soil against anyone, including its neighbors.
Maulavi  Abdul Kabir added, we consider Pakistan's security as our benefit and Pakistan's insecurity as our loss, and as a Muslim neighbor, we do not want war and insecurity in Pakistan, so we do not allow anyone to use our soil against Pakistan.
In the end, he said: As a country that has seen the bitter experiences of war, we advise Pakistan to prefer peace instead of war.
In this meeting, Asif Durrani, Pakistan's special representative for Afghanistan affairs, said that the world should recognize the achievements of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, especially in the fields of security and drug eradication.
He said: We have good relations with Afghanistan and we are trying to strengthen these relations.
Durrani promised to solve the problems of Afghan immigrants living in Pakistan and release Afghan prisoners in this country's prisons, grant visas and other facilities to Afghan businessmen, remove travel barriers in Torkham and Spin Boldak and take urgent measures in other areas.
He also said that Pakistan will soon start the remaining work of the Torkham-Jalalabad highway.
In another meetong Nooruddin Azizi, Acting Minister of Industry and Trade, met with Asif Durrani, Pakistan's Special Representative for Afghanistan Affairs.
In this meeting, the two sides discussed the creation of facilities in the commercial and transit areas, the provision of 24-hour port services, and the development of customs cooperation.
Mr. Azizi also discussed the problems of Afghan traders in Karachi port with the special representative of Pakistan and demanded to solve it.
This is despite the fact that earlier on Thursday, July 20, the special representative of Pakistan had met and talked with Maulavi Amir Khan Muttaqi, the Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Emirate.
Asif Ali Khan Durrani traveled to Kabul on Wednesday evening, July 19, on a three-day trip following recent security developments in this country. Pakistan wants more cooperation from the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan to prevent the attacks of the Tehreek-e-Taliban in this country.
The government of the Islamic Emirate has strongly rejected the claims and accusations of the Pakistani authorities that the Tehreek-e-Taliban of this country has a sanctuary in Afghanistan and is using the Afghan soil against Pakistan.

Story Code: 273589

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