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Experts in international relations:

The government of Pakistan has been openly interfering in the affairs of Afghanistan for more than four decades

17 Jul 2023 - 8:33

Following the statements of Pakistan's Defense Minister Khawaja Asif that the Islamic Emirate does not respect the rights of its neighbors and does not adhere to the Doha Agreement on not harboring terrorists; Experts of international relations say that the officials of the Pakistani government want to acquit themselves by accusing the Islamic Emirate of fighting terrorism, because the main nests of terrorists have been located in Pakistan for more than four decades.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: Pakistan's Defense Minister Khawaja Asif wrote in a tweet yesterday that the Islamic Emirate in Afghanistan does not fulfill the right of neighborliness and brotherhood and does not adhere to the Doha Agreement. He added that 4-5 million Afghans have been in Pakistan for 40-50 years with full refugee rights, but the terrorists who shed the blood of Pakistanis are sheltering in Afghanistan. This situation can no longer continue. Pakistan will use all its capabilities to protect its land and citizens.
However, Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesman of the Islamic Emirate, responded to the words of Pakistan's Defense Minister and said that he does not allow Afghanistan's soil to be used against Pakistan or to the detriment of this country. He has called the statements of Pakistan's defense minister a misunderstanding.
Mr. Mujahid added that if Pakistan has documents related to the activities of members of the Pakistani Taliban (TTP), they should share them with the Islamic Emirate.
At the same time, Toryali Sarwari, an expert on international relations, told AVA that the officials of the Pakistani government want to exonerate themselves by accusing the Islamic Emirate of fighting terrorism, because the main nests of terrorists have been in Pakistan for more than four decades.
He emphasized: For more than four decades, the government of Pakistan has been using various tricks to prevent the people of Afghanistan from having a stable and strong government, because the men of this country are trying to establish a weak dependent government in Afghanistan due to their interests in the region.
Sarwari added: Widespread corruption in the government system of Pakistan has caused the citizens of this country to distance themselves from their government and join the armed groups against the government.
He pointed out that the government of Pakistan should not interfere in the internal affairs of Afghanistan and should not accuse the Islamic Emirate of harboring terrorists in international meetings without having documents.
On the other hand, Noorullah Ebrahim Khel, a military expert, said in a conversation with AVA: "The government of Pakistan uses terrorist groups as a tool to gain its interests, for this reason, all countries in the region know that the main nests of terrorist groups are in the soil." It is Pakistan and the terrorists carry out their attacks against other countries from there.
He added that the security forces of the Islamic Emirate have been able to prevent the activities of terrorist groups in Afghanistan during the past two years. Accordingly, there has not been any threat from Afghanistan to the neighboring countries during this period.
This military affairs expert added that the false statements of Pakistani government officials about Afghanistan harm the relations between the two countries and cause more tension and strengthen extremist groups in the region.
Pakistan is currently facing a range of economic problems. The country's foreign exchange reserves have also decreased, raising questions about Islamabad's ability to fulfill its foreign debt obligations.
Currently, a very alarming situation prevails in Pakistan, and no sign of fundamental changes in the country's economic outlook can be seen. It is not only the issue of foreign debts, but there is the issue of internal debt that has brought the country close to bankruptcy.
Meanwhile, the Pakistani authorities say that Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan has safe places inside Afghanistan and they go across the border to attack Pakistan, but the Pakistani Taliban have said that they coordinate their attacks from inside Pakistan.

Story Code: 273343

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