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Mullah Brother:

Salang highway reconstruction project is the second largest national and economic project after Qosh tappe canal

13 Jul 2023 - 11:08

Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the economic deputy of the Ministry of Finance, said at the opening ceremony of the Salang highway reconstruction project that after the Qosh tappe canal, this is the second largest national and economic project in the country, and with its completion, the necessary facilities for commuting from north to south and also in The business sector will come up.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar Akhund, the economic deputy of the Prime Minister's Department, inaugurated the Salang highway reconstruction project yesterday (Wednesday, July 12).
During his speech, Mullah Baradar said in the ceremony that was held on the occasion of the opening of the mentioned project, after the Qosh Tappe canal, this is the second largest national and economic project in the country, and to complete it, the necessary facilities for commuting from north to south and It will be discussed in the business sector.
The Deputy Minister of Economy added that the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is ready to complete the projects with all its energy and promises any kind of cooperation for the contracted companies in this sector.
Mullah Baradar asked the contracting companies to complete this project as soon as possible with good quality, honesty and trustworthiness.
On the other hand, representatives of the private sector said at the inauguration of the reconstruction of the Salang highway that Afghanistan's trade will be developed through the highways, especially with the reconstruction of the Salang, and there will be a significant increase in the level of transit from Central Asia to South Asia through Afghanistan.
It should be mentioned that the reconstruction project of the Salangs in the north and south of Salang with the support of the Islamic Emirate by the private sector will be completed within two years, which will provide job opportunities for thousands of people.
Through this highway, in addition to 9 northern provinces of the country, four large commercial ports are connected to the capital.

Story Code: 273179

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