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The assurance of the Islamic Emirate to ensure the security of Muharram days

12 Jul 2023 - 14:49

Speaking to the media, Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesman of the Islamic Emirate, assures that the forces of the Islamic Emirate are working day and night to ensure the security of the "Days of Muharram" so that this ceremony can pass without any unfortunate incident like last year, and the citizens of the country are in the same space.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesman of the Islamic Emirate, today (July 13, 2023), assured the media that the security forces of the Islamic Emirate are working to ensure the security of the Muharram ceremony day and night, so that the citizens in Hold this ceremony in a safe space.
He added that the security forces of the Islamic Emirate have taken good plans to ensure the security of Muharram, as in the past two years, so that no security incidents occur during this ceremony and our compatriots are not killed.
Meanwhile, Niamatullah Alokozay, an expert on military affairs, told AVA: The security forces of the Islamic Emirate should act vigilantly against terrorist groups, especially ISIS, during the night and days of Muharram, because these groups use different methods to make people unsafe and kill people. Uses.
He added that the terrorist networks do not have the ability to confront the security forces face-to-face, they commit suicide and explosive attacks in order to discredit the existing government in Afghanistan and create fear and panic in the society.
Alokozay pointed out that although terrorist groups, especially ISIS, were severely suppressed by the Islamic Emirate's security forces after the Islamic Emirate came to power, the intelligence services of some countries want to use terrorist groups to carry out suicide attacks and explosions during the days of Muharram.
This military expert emphasized that a number of countries whose interests are stuck with the war in Afghanistan, therefore they want to promote ethnic and religious issues in Afghanistan with the support of terrorist groups.
He had the means that the citizens should seriously cooperate with the security forces in order to provide security, especially those who celebrate the Muharram ceremony, because without the cooperation of the citizens, it will be very difficult to get full security.
Alokozay, stating that before the establishment of the Islamic Emirate in Afghanistan, citizens witnessed a suicide and explosive attack by terrorist groups every month in parts of Kabul and other cities of the country, he clarified that now suicide and explosive attacks have decreased by 90 percent. .
This is despite the fact that last year, the forces of the Islamic Emirate managed to prevent the attacks of terrorist groups, especially ISIS, by providing security on the days of Muharram, and no security incident occurred on the day of Ashura.

Story Code: 273144

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