Publish dateTuesday 11 July 2023 - 11:25
Story Code : 273058
Lack of interest of youth in seminary sciences and society
Hussaini Mazari, during a speech at the "Duties and performance of organizational functions" meeting in holy Mashhad, strongly criticized the weak influence of Afghan scholars despite the many social anomalies among the immigrants and noted: In the situation that the problems before marriage such as heavy expenses and wrong customs exist Also, the increase in divorce among young people is rampant because of completely superficial issues, where is the immigrant clergy and why is there no effective propaganda and justification work and weakness is observed at the level of students? According to him, most of the scholars are not present in the field, if they are present, they do not act effectively.
Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Holy Mashhad: At the same time as commemorating the anniversary of Eid al-Ghadir, the "Duties and performance of organizational functions" meeting was held with the presence of a group of officials, staff and active members of Tebyan Social Cultural Activities Center in Holy Mashhad.
The changes in the world are in line with the organization of Allah's rule over the world
At the beginning of his speech, Hussaini Mazari considered the issue of Ghadir as a continuation of Allah Almighty's intention and determination to establish divine rule in the world and said: Since the beginning of existence, Allah Almighty has organized all the changes and developments in this direction, that his divine rule to establish in the world especially land. He sends 124,000 prophets to guide mankind, and after the last prophet, who is the Prophet of Islam (PBUH), he wants the chain of prophets not to be limited, so he appoints a successor, which is Ali(a.s.), then other infallible imams, and finally Imam Mahdi (a.j.).
The efforts of the enemies and the weakness of the friends of Imam Ali (AS)
However, according to this expert on religious issues, the problems that were caused either by the enemy and the hypocrites or by the weakness of the lovers of the Prophet and Imam Ali (a.s.) who either did not perform their duty or did not perform well, in total It caused that goal not to be achieved and could fulfill his duties as a successor after the Prophet, and after him other infallible imams would form the government. In this world, there were no more dilemmas and problems, and perhaps the discussion of emergence would no longer make sense.
Hussaini Mazari stressed that without a doubt, the will of Almighty Allah will come sooner or later, but there is no fuel, he noted: the enemies or hypocrites who tried or are trying to disrupt the path of Allah's will are in their own truth. They humiliate and do not give a good test on the way to the test.
The members of Tebyan Center are among the most chosen people, as long as they are sincere in their actions
Hussaini Mazari referring to his meeting with Ayatollah Misbah Yazdi (RA) and his statement that all the developments and transformations organized by the Almighty Allah are in line with the goal of the line of guardianship and jurisprudence to come to fruition and the emergence of those who are in line with They are among the most chosen people on earth to reach the goal of this line. Therefore, any person who does the least work in this framework, on the condition of sincerity in action and lack of material motivation, will definitely be one of the chosen elements of the Almighty Allah.
Addressing the members present in the meeting, he pointed out: "Our current duties are to work in line with the line of the province and to lay the groundwork for the emergence of more, and to work more, we must first arm ourselves with related sciences and religious concepts and knowledge, and then To work in line with Ghadir's goals, Tebyan Center currently has two cultural and economic priorities in order to achieve this goal."
Lack of interest in seminary sciences and its reasons
Referring to the fact that Afghanistan today is facing the extinction of scholars and the weakness of their appearance in the field, the head of the Tebyan Center said about the reason for the lack of young Afghan students in seminaries: the clergy who are in the field today because they did not act correctly and actively. , because they did not reach their status and their family and because they did not serve the society well, therefore they left negative effects on their family members and young people in such a way that even the young sons and daughters of our clerics are not only not ready to follow the path of studying seminary science, but in comparison With the rest of the youth, they have more hatred for seminary topics.
At least one person from each family should study seminary
He added: Therefore, today we have a duty to encourage young people to enter the field of seminary education and try to make sure that at least one person from every family enters the seminary, because if we are to preserve Islam at least - Now, let's skip the development of Islam and its intellectual and religious foundations - but simply to maintain the existing situation, we need a cleric and sincere revolutionary students. Indeed, we have very few sincere clerics whose chest is a shield for the defense of Islam and who pushes himself towards the goal and who is willing to sacrifice and sacrifice his life in the path of religion.
Widespread problems and anomalies among immigrants; Where is the clergy?
Hussaini Mazari strongly criticized the weak influence of Afghan scholars and students in Iran, despite the many social anomalies among the immigrants, and pointed out: the lack of provision for marriage, the problems leading to it, such as heavy expenses and very absurd courtships, are rampant. Today, a girl and a boy who have been married for six months want a divorce! When asked why you divorce, they give superficial reasons! Why are these not explained? Why is there no cultural and propaganda work at the people's level? We see the existence of weakness at the level of our clergy. They are not present in the arena, if they are present, unfortunately they do not act effectively and the immigrant community is cut off from the clergy.
In addition to the above article, he added: If we want the society to become more religious and have a strong and powerful society, we must act in the direction of promoting religious and scholastic thinking and although it is late, from now on, at least one person from each family should send their young man to the seminary to study for the protection of religion, school and religion.
Inviting teenagers to do part-time work in the offices of the Tebyan center and their training and education
The head of the Tebyan Center asked the members of this center to send their children to the offices of the Tebyan Center to train and learn intellectual, cultural, news, media and various fields so that they can work part-time and in this way receive training so that each of them in In the future, they will become prominent intellectual and cultural figures. According to him, the force training process has existed since the beginning of the establishment of the Tebyan Center organization and those forces of this organization who have been on the scene for thirty years, in the past years were young forces who were recruited and then trained.
Hussaini Mazari further mentioned organizational points such as the need to complete the organizational chart of offices, identifying useful elements at different ages and introducing them to offices, membership and organizational presence based on common ideas and active presence in the field of virtual space and gave explanations in this regard.
The Tebyan Center can fill the void of the presence of a coherent cultural organization in the country
In the end, the head of Tebyan Center pointed out Afghanistan's need for a coherent organization that meets the requirements of the organization and said: Today there is a vacuum of presence of a strong and powerful organization in the country, and despite all the forces and personnel that In Afghanistan and Iran, we are able to fill this gap, so the officials of the offices, cadres and personnel who are in the offices have the duty of attracting, guiding and organizing the forces. It is necessary to work on the issue that all the forces are present and give their best, and each of them has a suitable work output and do as much as they can in various topics to advance the goals of the organization.
The blessing of Wilayat is the greatest divine blessing
In the following, Hojjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimin Hashemi Rasti, head of the Tebyan social cultural activities center in holy Mashhad, also said in his speech that the religion has been completed with the guardianship of the Amir al-Momineen and the Infallible Imams (a.s.) It has been completed, he said: Eid al-Ghadir is the day of the completion of religion and the completion of Allah's blessing, so this blessing is also one of the greatest divine blessings for the Islamic Ummah.
Appealing to the Ghadir School is the way to solve problems
Referring to the verses of the Holy Quran, Hashemi Rasti said: "If we want the problems in Afghanistan and in the world of migration to be solved and overcome and we can achieve our social and political goals and our personal and family goals, there is another way. We have no choice but to always and always resort to the school of Ghadir and the revealed teachings of the teachings of Ahl al-Bayt (AS). Ghadir's biggest lesson in terms of political and social issues is this important point for us."
The head of the Tebyan Center's representative office in Mashhad added: "If we do our political, cultural and social activities based on the teachings of the Ahl al-Bayt school, we can be sure that our steps will be solid steps, and with such steps, we can get closer to our goals." And finally, the Afghan society will be saved from the existing crises.
Deviations and ethnic and racial goals are the main reasons for the current problems
In the end, Hashemi Rasti emphasized: One of the reasons why we still have many problems in society is that in social movements and in decisions that are decisive for the society and the nation, deviant paths and ethnic, racial and sectarian goals are taken. We have done that without a doubt, these deviant goals of today's society have brought us to humiliation.
At the end of this ceremony, Sayed Ali Hussaini Mazari; Head of the multimedia department of Tebyan Center and Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) in Mashhad and Seyed Sajjad Hussaini Mazari; The Public Relations Officer of Tebyan Center and Voice of Afghan News Agency (Ava) in Mashhad was honored with a plaque of thanks and gifts.
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