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Iranian Interior Minister: We will never give up pursuing terrorists

10 Jul 2023 - 12:54

Ahmad Vahidi, Iranian Interior Minister says the country's intelligence and security apparatus will never abandon pursuing terrorist groups even beyond the borders.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Monitoring: Speaking to reporters on Sunday, Vahidi said security forces in Zahedan, the capital of Sistan and Baluchestan Province, gave a harsh response to the terrorists during a deadly attack against a police station on Saturday that led to the killing of four armed terrorists and two police officers.

"What happened [in Zahedan] yesterday was a terrorist incident and in fact, these men entered [the police station] as ordinary people and then carried out a terrorist act," the interior minister said.

Vahidi urged the neighboring country of Pakistan to toughen its border control measures.

Police Chief of Sistan and Baluchestan Doustali Jalilian said on Saturday that the armed terrorists had tried to gain entry into the central area of police station Number 16 of Zahedan while disguising themselves as clients.

“The terrorists failed to enter the central area of the police headquarters due to the vigilance of the soldier guarding the main door,” Jalilian added, pointing out that one of the terrorists was instantly killed as he drew his weapon towards police officers.

Over the past years, Sistan and Baluchestan has witnessed several terror attacks targeting both civilians and security forces.
An Iranian border guard was martyred in June in Sistan and Baluchestan in clashes with terrorists seeking to sneak into the country.

Back in May, five Iranian border guards were martyred in clashes with armed terrorists and anti-Islamic Revolution groups in Sistan and Baluchestan.

Story Code: 272988

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