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PM Kabir: Jihadi Madrassas Should be Developed in Panjshir

4 Jul 2023 - 19:19

In a meeting with the head of Panjshir, Acting Prime Minister of IEA said that, Jihadi madrassa, gave necessary directions to the Ministry of Education in order to increase the capacity of recruitment in madrassas in Panjshir.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA)_Monitoring, According to a statement released by his office, Acting Prime Minister, Mawlavi Abdul Kabir met with Sheikh Mawlavi Masihullah Mossadiq the head of Panjshir Jihadi Madrassas.

In the meeting, Sheikh Mawlavi Mossadiq said that the people of Panjshir are happy with the activities of the jihadi madrassa and want to strengthen and further develop.
Since the opening of the jihadi madrassa, thousands of students have joined and are interested in teaching in this madrassa, he added.
The Islamic Emirate has provided the necessary facilities for the madrassa and the people of Panjshir have cooperated, he said.
Acting Prime Minister Kabir expressed satisfaction with the activities of the jihadi madrassas in Panjshir and said that addressing the problem of the people of Panjshir and coordination between local departments and the people should be a priority.
In order to increase the capacity of recruitment in Panjshir jihadi madrassa, all the necessary facilities will be prepared said Kabir.
S. Y

Story Code: 272743

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