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PM Kabir Praised Security Forces Efforts during Eid Days

3 Jul 2023 - 15:00

Mawlavi Abdul Kabir praised the efforts of officials and security forces for maintaining the security of people during Eid days.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA)_Monitoring, Acting Prime Minister of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, Mawlavi Abdul Kabir, separately met with Mawlavi Abdul Haq Wasiq, the general director of intelligence, and Sheikh Noorullah Munir, head of Central Dar-ul-Ifta, a statement said released by Arg.

The Director of Intelligence shared details about the missions and successes of the department with the Acting Prime Minister, adding that recently the forces and intelligence staff have made significant progress in many areas.
Better coordination between intelligence and other security bodies is granted and they work together to conduct security and intelligence plans, Wasiq added.
For his part, Mawlavi Kabir, Deputy Prime Minister, hailed the efforts of officials and staff of security organs on ensuring the safe security of people during Eid days.
Meanwhile, in a separate meeting, Sheikh Noorullah Munir, the head of Central Dar ul-Ifta, said: “Work has been done on hundreds of important issues. He assured that experts and professionals are working on relevant issues in the light of Sharia.

Story Code: 272668

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