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Islamic Jihad Movement:

Netanyahu's new words are a slap in the face of compromisers

28 Jun 2023 - 8:55

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement considered the recent words of Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of the Zionist regime, regarding the need to destroy the idea of forming a Palestinian state, as revealing the goals of the Zionists and a slap in the face of those who compromise with this regime.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): Citing Al-Ahed Base, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement announced yesterday (Tuesday, June 27) in a statement: Netanyahu's words about the functional role of the Palestinian Authority for Israel and the emphasis on the survival of these organizations coincide with the eradication Making the idea of forming a Palestinian state reveals the goals of the Zionists from the compromise agreement signed with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and is a slap in the face of the Arab compromisers.
This statement added: Such words require a national stance from the leaders of the self-governing organizations and the PLO in response to the Palestinian national consensus. This request is to cancel all security and political agreements (self-governing organizations and the PLO organization) with the Zionist enemy and deny the recognition of the Zionist regime and stop any relations with it, including stopping security coordination with this regime.
The Islamic Jihad Movement added: These positions of the Zionists oblige the Arabs and Muslims to sanction the Zionist enemy, stop any normalization and support the rights of the Palestinian people, the most important of which is the right to resist and defend themselves with all means. Especially considering the dangerous escalation of settler terrorism and their encroachments on the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank villages under the support of the Zionist enemy cabinet and its criminal army.
Earlier, the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), in response to the statements of the Prime Minister of the Zionist regime regarding preventing the realization of the idea of forming a Palestinian state, emphasized that such statements show that the occupation regime of Israel and its cabinet are fascist.
In the statement of this movement, it was emphasized that the leadership of the Palestinian Authority and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) should reconsider their commitments with the occupying regime and useless negotiations with it, and stop any cooperation and security coordination with it, as well as the direction of their compass.
The Prime Minister of the Zionist regime said yesterday in a meeting with the Knesset (Parliament) Foreign Affairs Committee that this regime is preparing for the transition period from Mahmoud Abbas, the head of the self-governing organization.
He added: We need the autocratic organization and we must prevent its collapse, we are ready to provide financial assistance to it, because it is in our interest to preserve it. This organization works for us in its area of presence.
In response to a question about the Palestinian state's desire to form a Palestinian state, this Israeli official said: We must eliminate their desire to form a state.

Story Code: 272454

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