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Demonstration of 120 thousand people of North Korea against America

26 Jun 2023 - 13:03

At the same time as the 73rd anniversary of the start of the Korean War, a crowd of about 120,000 North Koreans gathered in Pyongyang and chanted "war of revenge" against America.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): On the anniversary of the Korean War, the people of North Korea, appearing in the streets of the country's capital, called for a "revenge war" against America.
Reuters, quoting North Korean media, announced that at the same time as the 73rd anniversary of the start of the Korean War, thousands of North Koreans gathered in Pyongyang and chanted "revenge war" against the United States.
According to North Korea's official news agency (KCNA), nearly 120,000 people participated in the rally and carried slogans such as "The entire American land is in the crosshairs of our missiles," "Imperialist America is a destroyer of peace."
According to this news agency, North Korea now has "the most effective weapon to punish the US imperialists" and "revenge seekers in this land are impatiently waiting for revenge against the enemy."
North and South Korea have been at war for 70 years, as the war between them in 1953-1953 (Korean War) ended in an armistice and not a peace treaty.
In recent weeks and months, the tension between the United States and South Korea has increased with North Korea, and Pyongyang has increased its missile tests in response to the provocative actions of Seoul and Washington and conducting successive drills on the borders of North Korea.

Story Code: 272376

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