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America: There is no evidence about the spread of Corona from the "Wuhan" laboratory

25 Jun 2023 - 8:38

American intelligence agencies have published a report and said that they have not found any direct evidence that the corona virus was spread from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): In this four-page report, it is stated that American intelligence agencies also do not rule out the possibility that this virus came out of a laboratory, but so far they have not been able to find its origin.
This report adds: "The US Central Intelligence Agency and another agency have still not been able to identify the exact origin of the Covid-19 epidemic, and both hypotheses (laboratory and natural origin) rely on important assumptions and both face challenges and contradictory reports."
American intelligence agencies have also announced that "extensive work" has been done at the Wuhan Institute on the corona virus, but these agencies have not found evidence that a specific incident caused the spread of the corona virus.
Almost since the first human cases of the coronavirus were reported in Wuhan in late 2019, its origin has been a hotly debated topic in the United States.

Story Code: 272286

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