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Exam for Graduates of Health Sciences Given in Nangarhar

24 Jun 2023 - 14:09

The Ministry of Public Health has held an exam to issue government educational certificates for the graduates of health sciences institutions in Nangarhar province.

Afghan Voice Agency(AVA)_Monitoring, According to the officials in this exam, 1,000 participants were women from different provinces. The exam was held for three days. 

“In the exam, 1,500 participants were men and 1,000 of them were girls, there were 2,500 students,” said Mohammad Rahim Qalandar, head of the Public Health department.  

“The Islamic Emirate has allowed that if you miss your exam in a province, you can take an exam in another province,” said Nazer Ahmad Durani, head of Nangarhar's Institute of Health Sciences Association. 
Several participants in this exam said they want authorities to consider transparency and to announce the results of the exam early. 

“We call on officials to be transparent and to announce the results soon,” said Noor Ahmad, a participant. 

“Its exact date is not known. It is known to you that the process is time-consuming, sometimes technical problems occur, and our effort is ongoing to announce it as soon as possible,” said Mohammad Ullah Rasoli, an official of the Ministry of Public Health.

The Ministry of Public Health holds an annual exam to issue government educational certificates for graduates of private educational institutions of health sciences in different provinces. 

Story Code: 272263

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