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The Israeli army is on alert for the fear of anti-Zionist operations by Palestinian fighters

22 Jun 2023 - 10:20

The Israeli army has raised its alert level to the highest level due to the fear of a retaliatory attack by Palestinian militants in the West Bank.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - International Service: The Israeli army raised its alert level to the highest level on Wednesday night, fearing a retaliatory attack by Palestinian fighters in the West Bank.
This alert is due to the fear of retaliatory operations after the assassination of three Palestinian youths in the drone attack of the Zionist regime army in Al-Jalmah area in Jenin.
Three Palestinian youths who were passengers of a 5-seater car were martyred in the drone attack of the Zionist regime in Al-Jalma area in Jenin.
Channel 14 of the Zionist regime, explaining the new policy of killing Palestinian youths, added: "The change in the policy of killing Palestinians by air has occurred with the support of War Minister Yoav Galant and the approval of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of this regime."
Meanwhile; Hazem Qassem, the spokesman of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) on Wednesday night, in response to the assassination of Palestinian youths by drone, warned the Zionist regime: The incident of drone assassination by the Palestinian nation and resistance will not go unpunished and unanswered.
Before this crime, on Wednesday, in continuation of their brutality, the radical and armed Zionist settlers attacked the town of "Tarmsiya" in the northeast of the city of Ramallah in the West Bank and set fire to the cars and houses of the Palestinians.
The Ministry of Public Health of Palestine announced that in these clashes, 27-year-old Omar Qatin was martyred and dozens of others were injured while confronting and fighting in Neshanyan settlement in Tarmsaiya, located in the northeast of Ramallah.

Story Code: 272172

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