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Sanctions Will Harm Investment Opportunities in Afghanistan

20 Jun 2023 - 23:35

A statement said that, Acting Economy Minister, met with Kansuki Nagaoka, the special representative of Japan for Afghanistan.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA)_Monitoring, The two sides talked and exchanged views on the improvement of cooperation, while Ambassador Takashi Okada to Kabul also attended the meeting, a statement said by the ministry.

Afghanistan developed its economy through its human resources and economic capacities, said the Japanese special representative.
Mr. Nagaoka termed job creation opportunities important for youths in a country, that could help in economic growth.
“Sanctions on banking and economic systems and the freezing of Afghanistan’s foreign exchange by the United Nations have affected the country’s economic situation,” said Minister Hanif, according to the statement.
Japan’s cooperation can be effective in lifting sanctions and unfreezing our country’s foreign exchange by the United Nations and the international community, he added.
Later on the special representative of Japan for Afghanistan assured his country’s cooperation with the Ministry of Economy in sectors of job creation and development projects.

Story Code: 272093

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