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Hussaini Mazari raised among the reciters and memorizers of the Holy Quran;

Duties of the Quranic society; Bringing people to Allah and directing them in the fight against tyrants/Quranic characters have an effective social and political presence

17 Jun 2023 - 15:18

Hojjat-ul-Islam wal-Muslimin Sayed Isa Hussaini Mazari, in a ceremony that was held under the title of " Uns Ba Qur'an Karim" organized by the office of the Center for Cultural and Social Activities of Tebyan in Mashhad, on the one hand, the implementation of the rules and orders of the Holy Qur'an is more than ever for Afghanistan. He called it essential, and on the other hand, addressing the readers and protectors of Afghanistan as important elements in the field of Quranic culture, he said that the duty of the Quranic society is to bring people to God and to give them direction in the fight against tyranny, and emphasized that Quranic characters They should have an influential presence in the social and political arena.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Holy Mashhad: Hojjat-ul-Islam Wal-Muslimin Sayed Isa Hussaini Mazari, in this gathering, while welcoming the Afghan and Iranian reciters and hafaz, said that the grand holding of such gatherings is one of the ways to promote Quranic culture in the society and he stated and emphasized that one of the things that helps to build Quranic culture is holding gatherings and circles related to the Quran and said that if we are interested in implementing the programs, rules and orders of the Holy Quran in the heart of the society, we should Let's make serious efforts in the field of Quranic culture.
Hussaini Mazari continued by listing reciting sound the Holy Qur'an as the initial stages of familiarity with the Holy Qur'an, and emphasized: What is important in the discussion of reading the Qur'an is thinking about the Qur'an and understanding its concepts, and more important than this transmission of this Concepts to society. Because if we can convey Quranic concepts to the society, the concept of every word, every sentence and verse of the Holy Quran will create and promote a superior culture in the society.
He said that although after the victory of the Islamic Revolution under the leadership of Imam Khomeini (RA) and due to the serious efforts of his righteous successor Imam Khamenei many works have been done in the field of Quranic culture, but the problems of Islamic societies are caused by He introduced the lack of presence of the Quran in different layers of society and clarified: If you see problems in Islamic societies, it means that the Quran is still not present in different layers of society and Muslims do not follow the Quran properly. If the Quran's instructions are followed, we will definitely have a dignified society, we will have a strong society. Throughout history, if we study, we can see the people who were and are with the Qur'an, the currents and societies that lived and lived with the Holy Qur'an as its center, were powerful people and honorable societies.
Mr. Mazari added: Even today, in the Islamic world, if you see people and currents shining brightly in various fields of struggle, whether in the discussion of managing society in the direction of excellence and perfection or in the discussion of fighting arrogance, these are the ones who They are the Quran and they follow the instructions of the Holy Quran. Therefore, in order to make the society Quranic, we must work to convey concepts and explain Quranic topics at the community level.
The head of the center of cultural and social activities of Tebyan considered the reciters and memorizers of the Holy Quran to be important elements in the transmission and explanation of Quranic concepts to the society and stated: the main and major responsibility of this transfer and this movement and this deliberation is the responsibility of the reciters and memorizers. The condition is that they can get familiar with the original and original spirit of the Quran and enter the society as Quranic men by understanding the concepts of the Quran in an all-round way and manage the society in the right way.
He further clarified: reading or memorizing should not be done only as a hobby, not only as a profession. It will not be beneficial for us to read in the congregations with a good voice, to read with great tajwad, to recite the memorized verses in different ways, but not to play any role in the direction of community management.
Introducing the Islamic Republic of Iran as a model in which Quranic figures have effective social and political activities, this religious scholar emphasized to the Afghan readers and protectors: Today, the society of Afghanistan and the people of Afghanistan need to implement the rules and orders of the Quran more than ever before and it needs guidance from the Quran. Unfortunately, during different times, there have been one-sided interpretations of the Qur'an.
Readers try not to talk about politics, not to talk about society, not to talk about management, not to participate in circles that have the color of political management of society and avoid them, well, this is a mistake. The reciters are not the only ones, like the companions of Imam Ali (a.s.), who recite night prayers, are reciters, memorizers, and have calluses on their foreheads, but then draw swords in front of Imam Ali (a.s.) and speak loudly in front of the Qur'an.
Director General of Tebyan Center At the end of his speech, he said: We hope that all of us will be agents of the Qur'an and as soldiers of the Qur'an and not be included in this verse of the Qur'an which says: The Messenger of God said, "O my Lord, let my people take this Qur'an freely." The complaint of the Holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH) is about those who do not follow the Qur'an and who made the Qur'an abandoned and kept it abandoned. I hope that we will not be like this and that we will act correctly on the path of the Quran.

Story Code: 271888

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