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By changing tactics in its attacks, ISIS wants to make the Islamic Emirate look weak

11 Jun 2023 - 8:21

Experts say that the attacks of the Daesh group in the past few years were focused on civilians, but with the establishment of the Islamic Emirate, this group has been severely suppressed and their attacks on civilians have been prevented to a large extent. But in order to make the caretaker government look weak, ISIS has changed its tactics and is carrying out terrorist attacks on the officials of the Islamic Emirate.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: These statements of those in the know are being made while several officials of the Islamic Emirate were killed in two separate terrorist attacks by ISIS (Tuesday and Thursday, June 6 and 8) in Badakhshan Province last week.
In the terrorist attack of the Daesh group, which was carried out on Tuesday, 16th of June, in the city of Faizabad, the capital of Badakhshan province, Nisar Ahmad Ahmadi, the deputy governor, and one other person were killed in this incident, and in the terrorist attack on Thursday, the 18th of Gemini, nearly 20 including Safiullah Samim, the former security commander in Baghlan province, and a number of military and civilian soldiers died.
Jilani Noori, a military expert, said in an interview with AVA: "The attacks of the Daesh group in the past few years were focused on civilians, but with the establishment of the Islamic Emirate of this group, they were severely curtailed, and their attacks on civilians have been prevented to a large extent." But in order to make the government look weak, ISIS has changed its tactics and is carrying out terrorist attacks on the officials of the Islamic Emirate.
Noori stated that the current government in Afghanistan should look for the main nests of this group outside the country in order to prevent the attacks of the ISIS group, adding that the ISIS group does not have any kind of position among the people of Afghanistan from an intellectual point of view, which can control a certain geographical area.
He also stated: In order to contain and prevent the attacks of ISIS, the government needs to train the intelligence forces in a technical and professional manner, in order to prevent the guerrilla attacks of this group.
This military expert added: Any group that carries out terrorist attacks in Afghanistan, in fact, this is an operational game between some countries of the world and the region, because a number of countries are dissatisfied with the relations of the Islamic Emirate, and see their interests in danger.
He emphasized that these countries use terrorist groups as a lever of pressure against the Islamic Emirate, so that the Islamic Emirate makes changes in its foreign policy.
At the same time, Ahmed Ramin Ahmadzai, a political expert, told Ava that the main centers of the ISIS group in Afghanistan have been destroyed by the forces of the Islamic Emirate and that this group does not have any geography. He adds that this group enters the country from other countries for their terrorist attacks, because some countries in the region have provided their territory and equipment to terrorist groups to achieve their illegitimate interests in Afghanistan.
He pointed out that the leaders of the Islamic Emirate should make smart decisions in their foreign policy, so that countries do not make Afghanistan their proxy battlefield once again to fulfill their interests.
Ahmadzai said: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs should enter into a dialogue with the countries that see their interests in danger in Afghanistan and adjust the interests of Afghanistan in such a way that it does not cause conflict of interest between the countries, otherwise it will not stop interfering and supporting terrorists.
Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesman of the Islamic Emirate, also said after the deadly attacks in Badakhshan that we will definitely catch the perpetrators of the terrorist attacks in Badakhshan province and we will reckon with them.
At the same time, the terrorist attacks of the previous week caused widespread global reactions.
The Office of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) in response to the terrorist attacks in Badakhshan province, tweeted that the reports of civilian deaths and injuries in today's attack on a mosque in Faizabad are deeply worrying.
Also, Nasser Kanani, the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, while condemning the recent attack in Badakhshan province, called it terrorist and said that terrorist and blind attacks on ordinary people and innocent citizens, especially in religious places, have nothing to do with the teachings of Islam.

Story Code: 271531

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