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Mawlavi Abdul Kabir called for the Continued assist of Foreign and Domestic Organizations to Afghan refugees

5 Jun 2023 - 13:10

Mawlavi Abdul Kabir in a meeting with the Deputy Minister of Refugees and Repatriations, asked for the continued aid of domestic and foreign organizations to Afghan refugees.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA)_Monitoring, Acting Prime Minister and Deputy for political affairs, Mawlavi Abdul Kabir, met with Mawlavi Mohammad Arsala Kharouti, the deputy Minister of Refugee and Repatriations, a statement said by Arg.

Deputy Kharouti shared details during the meeting about the operations, achievements and plans of the Ministry to Acting Prime Minister, Mawlavi Kabir.
After the rule of the Islamic Emirate, the level of return of immigrants has increased and hundreds of people return to their homeland every day, he added.
Mawlavi Kharouti said that the Ministry has signed Memorandum of understanding with various organizations in order to assist the migrants.
The Islamic Emirate is striving to provide peaceful and prosperous life for all Afghans in the country, said Mawlavi Kabir. He thanked all domestic and foreign organizations that assist Afghans in difficult situations and asked for their continued assistance to Afghan refugees.
Acting Prime Minister, Mawlavi gave necessary instructions and advice to Mr. kharouti in order to improve the affairs of the mentioned ministry.

Story Code: 271238

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