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CICA Secretary General praises Iran's active role in hosting organisation's events

1 Jun 2023 - 10:14

Dr. Raisi emphasized the importance of sustainable relationship between the member countries, considering the trend of international developments towards multilateralism.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Monitoring: Sarybay made the statement on the sidelines of a meeting with President Seyyed Ebrahim Raeisi in the capital Tehran on Tuesday.

Since the establishment of CICA by Kazakhstan in 1992, the body has been serving as an inter-governmental forum striving to enhance cooperation toward the promotion of peace, security, and stability in Asia.

“Iran is our member state from the beginning. Thirty years before, the first president of Kazakhstan announced to launch of the initiative to have a structure that can take care of the confidence and cooperation in Asia; and from the very beginning, Iran is a very proactive part of this process,” Sarybay told Press TV.

The CICA Secretary General said the fact that within the last two years, he has visited Iran three times and that President Raeisi personally took part at the 6th CICA Summit last year in Astana, Kazakhstan, shows the very “serious approach of Iran” to the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia.

“CICA is an evolving process, and we have many opportunities to extend our actions to good deeds, and Iran plays a very significant role within this process,” Sarybay underlined.

Story Code: 271031

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