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The ceasefire in Sudan has been extended for another 5 days

30 May 2023 - 13:34

The Sudanese army under the command of Abdul Fattah al-Barhan with the rapid support forces under the command of Hamidati extended the ceasefire in this country for another 5 days.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): News sources reported yesterday evening (Monday) that the Sudanese army under the command of Abdul Fattah al-Barhan and the rapid support forces under the command of "Hamidati" extended the ceasefire in this country again.
Al Jazeera news channel reported that this agreement has been extended for another five days. The spokesperson of the political process in Sudan also said that he welcomes this agreement and demands full adherence to the text of the agreement and addressing the humanitarian situation in this country.
This Sudanese official also said that stopping the war and choosing peaceful and negotiated solutions is the best way to solve the crisis in Sudan.
The warring parties in Sudan have agreed to allow all civilians in the conflict and besieged areas to leave these areas. Both sides agreed to continue humanitarian actions and meet the needs of civilians. The army and rapid support forces also emphasized that they will adhere to Sudan's sovereignty and protect the country's territorial integrity.
The conflict between Sudan's rapid support forces under the command of Hamidati and the army of this country under the command of Al-Barhan started on April 15, and continues. The civil war in Sudan has so far resulted in hundreds of deaths and thousands of injuries.

Story Code: 270934

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