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Political experts:

The West is the main cause of the current poverty and hunger in Afghanistan

30 May 2023 - 10:12

Those in the know say that the main cause of the current poverty and hunger in the country is the result of two decades of Western interventionist policies in Afghanistan. Because during their 20 years of presence in the country, they did not do any important infrastructure work for the people.

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA) - Kabul: These statements of those in the know are being made while the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Aid or "OCHA" has recently said in a report that 20 million people will face severe hunger in Afghanistan by March 2023.
Nematullah Alokozay, a political affairs expert, said in a conversation with AVA that the main cause of the current poverty and hunger in the country was the result of two decades of interventionist policies of the Westerners in the affairs of Afghanistan, because during their 20 years of presence in the country, they not only did little infrastructure work They did not do it for the people, but they stole many mines of Afghanistan.
Alokozay emphasized that the westerners have not sat quietly after their defeat in Afghanistan, they have blocked the assets of the Afghan people in the World Bank, which has caused more poverty and hunger in the country, because the blocking of the country's assets has reduced trade and commerce. Currency exchange through the country's banks has been restricted.
Alokozay also added that the Westerners have created many problems for the citizens of the country and aid organizations by blocking the assets of Afghanistan, they are facing many problems in transferring money through banks.
He stated that the republican government was not allowed to sign large contracts in the field of mining with the countries of the region and added: When the westerners were in Afghanistan, they prevented the infrastructure works in the country, they extracted Afghanistan's mines without signing a contract with the republican government and exported them outside the country.
This political informant had a tool: the West is trying to put pressure on the Islamic Emirate by freezing the assets of Afghanistan, but this is a great betrayal of the rights of the Afghan people, because the problems have spread to the citizens of the country and have minimal effects on the political system and authorities. There was no government.
At the same time, Mohammad Qais Akbari, an expert on economic affairs, also said in a conversation with AVA that human rights and individual freedoms do not mean anything to Westerners; because by blocking Afghanistan's assets, they have caused severe inflation, increased prices of food and other basic goods, and more problems for importing goods from other countries to Afghanistan.
He pointed out that the Americans, both during their presence and after their defeat, have politicized Afghanistan's economy for their interests in our country, which has caused great harm to businessmen in the country.
Akbari emphasized: Westerners are trying to prevent some countries from helping Afghanistan under various pretexts, because they want Afghanistan to be a threat to neighboring countries and America's competitors in Asia in order to pursue their big goals in the region.
It is worth mentioning that after the fall of the republican regime, the United States, in its first action, blocked Afghanistan's money in the country's banks and international institutions and banks.
This is while America had a military presence in Afghanistan for 20 years and interfered in all governance matters. During this period, according to the reports that have been published in general, about 250 thousand citizens of the country have lost their lives and about one million others have been wounded. At the same time, more than 5 million people are displaced inside the country and 3.5 million have become refugees abroad.

Story Code: 270912

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