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Bolton: Trump is a 'fool' to world leaders

18 May 2023 - 10:42

The former US national security advisor in Donald Trump's administration said: The former US president was always proud of having very strong relations with world leaders, but in reality these leaders think Trump is a "fool".

Afghan Voice Agency (AVA): Former US President Donald Trump said during an interview with CNN last week that if he had won the previous presidential election, he would have been able to end Russia's attack on Ukraine within a day.
Trump had emphasized: If he had been elected president for a second term in the 2020 elections, this war would never have happened; A claim that according to John Bolton, the former national security adviser of the US in the Trump administration, is hard to believe in both ways.
In an interview with CNN, Bolton mentioned the leaders of the world, especially the leaders of Russia, China and North Korea: I was there when Trump spoke with these leaders. I think they think Trump is an idiot.
He added: Also, when it comes to war, Trump does not think about winning and losing.
Bolton stated: "This issue, along with Trump's insistence that he could have convinced Putin to end the war within a day, shows that he has no idea what this war is for and what the consequences of Russia's attack on Ukraine will be around the world."
He added: If Trump won the 2020 elections, his efforts to weaken NATO would help Russia attack Ukraine and take over its affairs. If Trump had won the previous election and done what he intended to do and pull America out of NATO, Putin would just wait for Trump to do his job. Even the weakening of NATO would make it easier for the Russians to conquer Ukraine.
Bolton is publicly considering announcing his candidacy in the upcoming presidential election from the Republican Party.

Story Code: 270230

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